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Camila was sitting at her usual spot Lauren saw her and sat next to her camila looked kinda sad like she's about to cry Lauren was confused

"Hey is everything alright" Lauren asked worried

"No everything is a mess I don't know what to do anymore" camila said with a shaky voice that broke Lauren's heart

"Hey it's gonna be alright" Lauren spoked and pulled Camila in for a hug camila doesn't seem to push her away like she always does

Lauren had never seen camila cry before she always thought about camila as this heartless person who doesn't care about anyone but her self at first but everyday camila seems to prove her wrong

Camilas kind loving always helps who's in need of protection makes times for her best friend she's like a hero Lauren read in one of those comics It amazes her

Camila continued crying even Heros have a breaking point they need someone there for them like they were there they need to be taken care of

Lauren said to herself that she will make it her job to take care of camila while she's still in her world until then she would have to say goodbye to her and the world

"Can you tell me what's bothering you" Lauren said still Hugging camila

"I have never told anyone about this because most of them don't remember they seemed to have forgotten" camila spoke very confused

"Forgotten what are you talking about" Lauren said curious camila took a deep breath

"I had a best friend other then Ariana she was my childhood best friend she was like Ariana a human  me and her connected immediately after she helped me with my injured knee we were inseparable always did things together hangout even my dad was ok with her being my friend unlike Ariana" camila spoke with tears in her eyes

"One day me and her were playing in the garden carelessly that was a bad idea it lead to a vampire biting her neck wanting to kill her but i killed the person but it was too late my childhood best friend had turned into a vampire like me I taught her things about vampires which she got a hold of and learned then as the years pass a girl was getting attacked by a pack of wolves just like you" camila explains

"My childhood best friend decided to help her out it turns out she was just like you not from this world after years of helping the girl my friend became distant like she wasn't there anymore I wanted to confront her but turns out she had Fallon completely for that girl and the most heartbreaking thing that her "girlfriend" told her to stop hanging out with me and she agreed almost immediately it broke me"

"She stopped hanging out with me but after three years on the full moon I wanted to see her again but she was missing her parents don't know where she is as well they were miserable the last time they saw her was with her girlfriend I'm still looking for her all those years but I have found nothing" Lauren was shocked

"But you said they seemed to have forgotten what did you mean by that" Lauren asked

"They don't know who normani is they seemed to have deleted her from there memory's it breaks my heart even more knowing that I'm the only one who remembers her" Lauren was definitely shocked after that

"I'm so sorry" Lauren said

"It's ok hopefully I will see her again" camila said with tears in her eyes

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