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After Camilas father had left with Austin insisting on marrying austin camila was upset she doesn't have the freedom to marry whoever she wants

Lauren looked at camila who had her head down she wanted to hug camila but camila only pushed her back and glared at her

"Don't touch me" camila growled making Lauren flinch

"I'm sorry you looked like you needed a hug" Lauren said in a shaky voice

"I don't need one i can handle myself I don't need anyone I don't need you or Ariana or my dad or Austin" camila said through tears

"Don't follow me" camila said then she went off running to the woods while Lauren was on the ground

Lauren finally got her shit together and went back to check on Ariana but she felt something weird once Lauren entered Ariana's room she wasn't there


Lauren's panicking she can't find Ariana she checked everywhere she heard the door open but it wasn't Ariana she's really panicking right now

"Whats wrong why are you panicking" camila said confused

"Ariana she's not here" Lauren said shaking her head

"What do you mean she's not here" camila said shocked

"She's not here Ariana was in her room sleeping then I came to you to see how are you doing but now she's gone" Lauren explained

"I need my spell book I need the spell where I can know who entered this house" camila tried to find her spell book but it's missing

"No no someone took my spell book without it I wouldn't know who took it" Camila was having a panick attack Lauren doesn't know what to do

"Hey hey it's ok breath we're gonna find her just breath" Lauren said rubbing Camilas back

Camila tried to relax but she's worrying about Arianas Heath she's her only family she can't afford to lose Ariana

"I need to go find her" camila said wanting to get up and run to find Ariana

"Hey your gonna waste time if you don't know where to look" Lauren said and camila hated that Lauren was right

"Fine but do you think my parents got her" camila said and Lauren's eyes widened

"I think so he was here 5 minutes ago" Lauren said and camila picked up Lauren making her Yelp

"Hold on tightly this will be a fast ride" camila said (don't think too much😐 dirty minded 😐)

Everything moved so fast to Lauren one second she was in Camilas cabin and the next she's in front of a castle she felt little dizzy

"You will get used to this like Ariana did" camila said taking Lauren's hands in hers Lauren blushed at the interaction she's looking at there joined hands she felt strange things from this

Camila walked through the castle halls she was greeted by her maids and cooks expect for one maid that had a jealous look in her face

Why was that maid mad and jealous she looked at camila who didn't give a single fuck about that maid

"Hey mila welcome back I really missed you" the maid who had the jealous look said

"Hey Hayley have you seen my father I need to ask him about something" camila said not caring about the seductive tone the maid was speaking on it didn't bother her

"His in his office mila can you help me move the Cabinet the others won't help me" she said clearly lying and Lauren can tell

Lauren glared at the maid feeling something take over her what was this feeling it was confusing Lauren how she becomes attached to camila

Camila was nothing but rude to her but she managed to be attached to her it confused Lauren is she jealous it can't be

Lauren can't fall for her ehy is she falling for camila she never felt like this not even with Lucy or brad she never felt like she wanted someone as much as she wants camila right now

She was snapped out of her when she heard camila knock on her fathers office door she heard a deep voice say "come in"

"Father how's life" camila said annoyed camila can't see her father like the man that he used to be he used to be caring sweet kind but after her mother's death he became bitter angry mean

"Camila what can I do for you" her father asked

"I know you took Ariana where is she" camila said angrily surprising her father

"I don't know what your talking about I didn't take your pathetic human partner" her father said disgusted

But she can feel Ariana's present her mother taught her the spell that will tell her where's Ariana this spell is unbreakable

Camila casted the spell when camila was 88 years old and Ariana was 18 she can feel Ariana present that means her father is lying which isn't a surprise to her

She looked around finding a small door once she opened it she saw a button that made her confused she looked at her father who was panicking

"Karla don't you dare push that button" her father said and she ignored him she pushed it and a wall behind her father opened revealing a staircase camila took Lauren's hand went down

She ignored her fathers screams and went down to a dungeon she saw cages one that has someone people in it some are  enemies some are innocent humans some are just innocent supernatural creatures and then she saw her Ariana

She gasps seeing Ariana beaten up she rushed and tried to open the door but it was locked she heard Lauren call her once she saw the key in Lauren's hand

"Where did you find it" camila said amused

"It was on that bored" Lauren pointed it was true there's a lot of keys

Once they got Ariana and left the castle camila swore to never listen to her father ever again and she doesn't want to be in the same room as him it made her feel disgusted thaf her father would do this to someone so innocent and kind

"I got you Ari" camila said to unconscious Ariana

"You can sleep in my room as always I will stay here with Ariana good night Lauren" camila said and Lauren nodded her head

"Good night camila"

*nervously laughs* well hello there I finally finished metallic love that means I can finish this one now *happy dance*


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