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"Lauren get back here l'm not done talking to you young lady" the woman screamed at Lauren but That only made Lauren walk faster to run away from the woman

Let me tell you why this woman is Lauren's nanny lauren is only 16 ya but her parents are always on a business trip so they hired a nanny lauren came out to them as lesbian and they accepted her with a warm hug and told her they loved her no matter who she's with and who she is and that was the biggest Weight off her shoulders

Lauren entered the library seeing the librarian smiling at her but noticing the tears in Lauren's eyes the librarian knows about the girls struggles with her nanny and she fully supports her

"What's wrong honey why are you crying is it that witch again" hailee said looking at Lauren

"Ya it's always been her she's like mean to me and nice to the other kids I hate it she treats me like l'm mentally ill or something just because I like girls" Lauren said and hailee look at her understanding the situation

"You know you could always go with me I know your parents so there's no problem with me taking you home and staying with you" hailee said and Lauren nodded her head

"Btw I got your favorite book right here" hailee said smiling at Lauren and showing her the book

"Oh my god the greatest vampire girl and her human book you didn't have to hailee thank you thank you" Lauren said hugging hailee

"I'm gonna read it later tho I need to finish this one first" Lauren said putting the book in her bag and then going to sit in the chair

As Lauren was reading she sees her nanny walk in the library so Lauren went to the bathroom

"Where is she pale skin green eyes dark hair name is Lauren" Kristina says and hailee rolled her eyes

"Sorry to disappoint but as you see the library is empty no one comes here maybe go to the playground or the game store" hailee said and Kristina rolled her eyes leaving the library

"Let's go Lauren" hailee called out for Lauren and they left to the car but there luck isn't that great

"Hey you told me you didn't have anyone in the library" Kristina says angry

"Don't care" hailee only replied

"Go on Lauren l'm taking you home" hailee said with a smile on her face

"Come here Lauren don't go with her you don't even know her come here or I will beat you" Kristina said not caring about the shocking expression on hailee's face

"Lauren sweetheart go in the car let me talk to Kristina really quick ok" hailee said and Lauren got in the car

"What did you say" hailee said growling at Kristina

"I will fucking beat you Lauren get out of the car or your gonna regret it" Kristina said ignoring hailee

"This is the last warning Kristina l'm not a patient woman back off" hailee said Flames coming out of her eyes

"Get out of my way crazy woman you don't know who l'm I can get you fired" Kristina yelled at hailee who only got more angry

Out of no where Kristina was too slow to process what's happening a punch came to Kristina's jaw Kristina was shocked looking at hailee

"You bitch" Kristina was ready to attack but the police came between them

"What's going on here" the officers separated them

"This woman is kidnapping the girl l'm babysitting" Kristina said growling

"L'm only saving her from your beating do you really think I don't see those bruises on her skin from you and she cries to me about how badly you hurt her huh" hailee yelled at Kristina who's face was pale looking at the copes

"Lauren sweetheart come out of the car" hailee called out for Lauren and she did

Hailee took the makeup wipe and wiped it on Lauren's face revealing the black eye that she had and the cut cheek taking her arm and revealing all the bruises that Lauren tried to hide

The officers gasped at the bruises and looked at Kristina who was now silenced looking at the ground in shame that only confirmed it

"Kristina you're under arrest for child abuse don't say anything because it will be used against you in court" the officer said taking Kristina with them in the car hailee and Lauren spent the time together in the house

*one week later*

Hailee became Lauren's new nanny and Kristina is in jail for child abuse theft and drug possession

"Hey Lauren have you started on the new book I gave you" hailee said but was coughing aggressively

"First are you ok you need to go to the doctor hals this isn't healthy" Lauren said worried

"No need to worry it will go away I promise you that l'm fine but you still haven't answered me" hailee said looking at Lauren with a smile

"Oh ya no I haven't started Tomorrow I will start it" Lauren replied

"As you wish dork are your friends coming to visit" hailee asked

"Ya Lucy and Alex are coming over Lucy is bringing vero her girlfriend and Alex is bring his boyfriend Shawn" Lauren says

"And you're still single when am I meeting your girlfriend" hailee said teasing Lauren who's now blushing

"Soon I didn't find someone who interest me" Lauren said shyly

*one month later"

Lauren hadn't touched the book hailee gave her after the news she received it shocked her
She's crying all day long hailee was a special  person in her life

"Hey where's hailee I haven't seen her in a while" Lauren said confused at the new librarian

"Oh poor kiddo l'm sorry to tell you but hailee had passed away from cancer oh that reminds me are you Lauren" the woman said Lauren nods her head not processing what just happened

"Before hailee had passed away she wanted me to give you this necklace and this note" the woman said handing them to Lauren

Lauren read the letter sobbing she looked at the necklace and wore it she looked at the necklace it has a heart shaped necklace with diamonds but they were glowing when she touched it but when she didn't it didn't glow what did that mean

"What the fuck" Lauren said shocked at the glowing diamond around her neck

Lauren decided to ignore it and go for a walk she takes with her the book hailee gave her Lauren didn't see it but it started to glow as Lauren touched it

Lauren was walking but when she was her a girl brown hair red eyes Lauren was shocked she closes her eyes and the girl who was there disappeared that was strange

Lauren sat next to rock once she opened the book something happened her vision started to blur her head is throbbing couldn't focus

And then everything went black to her and the necklace has hit the ground and the book as well

Ooooo what's up people if your new tell me what's your favorite thing to do on your free time 😊😊 hope you enjoyed the first chapter

Words: 1215

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