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"It's my fault"

Lauren whispered but demi heard her loud and clear and just pulled her into a hug Lauren was sobbing

"Hey don't think like that it wasn't your fault ok you were tricked you just wanted to go home" demi said Lauren continued sobbing into there chest

Demi picked up the girl and went to ally's house they see camila on the couch and ally preparing the potion for her

Demi said they would go to Ariana deliver her the news about camila so Ariana wouldn't be so confused about what happened

Lauren stayed next to camila taking care of her after they gave her the potion ally said it would take a couple of days then camila would be healthy and better then ever

Ariana immediately came to see camila she's worried extremely worried Ariana took camilas hand in her own very carefully and kissed the back of it

Ariana looked at Lauren with so much anger that she couldn't hold it in anymore Ariana glared at Lauren who was looking at the ground

"It's your fault she's in this condition!!" Ariana yelled shocking everyone

"It's your fault that she's hurt it's your fault I wish you never even came here!!" Ariana continued yelling despite her friends attempt to stop her

"Hey cut it out Ariana she didn't know what to do if you were in her shoes you would have done anything to go home" melaine yelled at Ariana who only glared at Lauren

"If you didn't come to this world you wouldn't have taken camila away from me" Ariana sobbed Lauren already blamed herself for what happened

This made her feel worse about herself she ran out of the house ignoring the people who were yelling her name She continued running and crying

"Are you serious ari the girl already blamed herself you didn't need to add more stress" demi said disappointed in Ariana

"I don't care she deserves it anyways" Ariana said rolling her eyes

Demi left to look for Lauren but couldn't find her even activated her mind reading but she can't hear anyone's thoughts she searched everywhere

It's been 4 hours and demi couldn't find Lauren anywhere she went back to allys house to deliver the bad news

"Hey guys I- wait where's Camila" demi said confused looking at the empty couch

Melaine looked at them and so did ally they smiled they're confused as well Demi's worried now

"Tbh I don't know she just woke up and teleported to somewhere I didn't know she had that ability" ally said confused

"What do you mean she teleported" demi asked

"Well one second she was here and the other she just disappeared" Ariana said clearly pissed off

"I wonder where she went if she just teleported randomly" demi said curious

*somewhere in the woods*

Camila was fighting a werewolf and Lauren was out cold on the ground camila spat some blood out of her mouth the wolf was smirking his wining

Camila never backs away from a fight especially for someone she cares about yes camila doesn't show that she cares about Lauren but she does more then she imagined

"Your losing the most powerful vampire what a joke you have fallen for a human a pathetic excuse of a creature" camila can read the wolfs mind

"I don't care if she's a human" camila spat out

"Well you should those pathetic creatures don't care about your feelings your majesty" the wolf said the last word sarcastically

"Don't call her that name" camila growled at the wolf who laughed at her

"What a pathetic excuse of a creature a slut or maybe I should call her a whore it fits her so well" the wolf said and camila had enough

Her eyes turned dark kind of red her fangs popped up but they're different they're more sharp and strong her speed increased

One moment she was next to unconscious Lauren and the next she's holding the wolfs head in her hand blood is everywhere on her cloths on her hands some on her face she snapped out of her rampage and dropped the head shocked at what she had done she cleaned her face and did a spell to change her cloths

Camila went to Lauren's side trying to wake her up she tried everything and one of the things she tried actually worked

She was so happy that Lauren woke up that she kissed her taking Lauren by surprise but kissed back camila realized what she had done and pulled away her cheeks are red lauren giggled at how adorable camila can be

Lauren pulled camila for other kiss she felt camila smile that's how she knows that her feelings isn't one sided that camila actually liked her

"I like you" camila said out of breath

"I like you too" Lauren said smiling looking at camila in a loving way

"I will help you get back home I promise you it will be the least that I can do" camila said and lauren was so happy

"Oh my god thank you thank you thank you I don't know how I can repay you for helping me and saving me" lauren said hugging camila and she hugged back

"Wait what is this necklace" camila looked at it and gasped she saw this she knows who made this it's not possible she looked at Lauren shocked

"I can explain" Lauren panicked

"My mom made this necklace I have the same one but blue" camila said pulling the necklace and showing it to Lauren

"How did you get it" the question Lauren was afraid to be asked Lauren looked into Camilas eyes camila can sense the worried gaze that Lauren had

"Ummm when I was at my world there this person that looks after me she had been hitting me and abusing me hailee had helped and got the woman in jail and from that point she became a mother to me" lauren explained she can see the shock on Camilas face

"Oh im glad my mom Helped you" Camila said smiling if you say Lauren was surprised that would be an understatement she didn't see it coming

"I wouldn't be mad at you for knowing my mom she helped you get out of an abusive place she always teaches me how to take care of people how to be nice to them how to offer a helping hand that's why I help people when they're under attack and can't do anything to defend themself" camila said and Lauren couldn't be anymore proud she had her own superhero

"I will help you I just need the re-creating spell from my father so I can get the spell to get you back home"

Yayayayay camren doesn't hate each other woah ... but not for long😏 the plot in my mind would make you hate Lauren well hate us an understatement


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