Ch. 9 You Have Been Doing What?!

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Optimus Prime's P.O.V.
Things have gotten more challenging with Jamie. This is hard to see no matter how many times I've seen her like this. (Y/N) refuses to let me help Crosshairs and Drift. It's unusual for her to be like this. (Y/N) has been trying not to nap lol she usually does, but today she gives in. Giving me a chance to try to help Jamie.
"She's not talking," Crosshairs tells me as we hear Jamie crying.
"One of those periods," I sigh.
Keeping things bottled up to the point she can no longer and cries.
She's lying on the bed with Drift, who looks at me and nods.
I don't know if Jamie heard me talking to Crosshairs or knows she's safe and doesn't need to panic as someone moves her off the bed.  I didn't think she'd hug me and bury her head on my chest.
"Nothing is working this time," Drift explains.
It's definitely a problem when even Drift struggles to calm Jamie down. I see she's tired as always when she cries for a while but is trying not to sleep, which is unusual.
"Try a drive," I tell the two mechs.
Crosshairs takes Jamie from me, and the two leave the room.

I return to (Y/N)'s room and lay on the bed. Something tells me she's the cause of Jamie's crying. She will not tell me if I ask. I hate to trick her, but I need to know for sure.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
I don't like how hard Jamie is trying not to fall asleep — even if she has stopped crying. I feel like she doesn't feel safe. She keeps this up for a half-hour before finally falling asleep.
"What are we going to do?" Drift asks, "the others won't believe us when we tell them what (Y/N) said, and now Jamie doesn't feel safe."
"Is home really any better?"
The drive back to the junkyard is quiet.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Optimus wants to go out on a date. First, I must see Ratchet. As I walk to the medbay, I see Crosshairs and Drift walking to the house; Drift carrying Jamie. They stare at me, not pleased. That bitch is falling apart. It's only a matter of time before she kills herself.

After my annoying appointment with Ratchet,
Optimus takes me to a field of sunflowers. It's interesting to see how creative he gets with our dates since I refuse to eat. I have tried to refuse the nutrition drinks they give me, but I have learned it's not enough considering how skinny I am. 
The sun is about to set as we sit in the field. Optimus appears distracted.
"What's wrong?"
"Something has made Jamie upset and afraid to sleep."
"Perfect, the plan is working," I say out loud before realizing it.
The shock on Optimus' face.
"You have been intentionally hurting her? I thought you knew her mental state is delicate."
I didn't think he'd pick me up, carry me to his truck and drive home. 

He leaves me standing by the truck as he runs to the medbay. He cares about that bitch more than me to the point we're through. She must pay.  I have my chance a few minutes later as both mechs run out of the medbay, but I have to be quick.

Ratchet is making this easier as I find the piece of paper on the table is about Jamie's condition, and the chemical he's testing is what can kill her. I probably have to go through more papers in her file to know a deadly dose, but there's a large syringe on the table. I know where he keeps the needles. I also grab a scalpel, knowing she'll fight me. Once the needle is capped, I try to leave the medbay, but Optimus is behind me. He grabs my hand and makes me follow him to his room in the house.

"What are you thinking?!" He scolds as I sit on the bed.
"Dealing with a problem!"
I take the scalpel out of my pocket, not afraid to hurt my ex. He fights me, resulting in several cuts to his arm.

Optimus Prime's P.O.V.
I don't know why she's doing this, to the point she doesn't care that she's hurting me. I try to get the scalpel, but (Y/N) passes out before either of us can do anything.  I hold her close to me and cry until the door opens, revealing Ratchet, Crosshairs, and Drift. Drift and Ratchet walk into the room, revealing Jamie is with her guardians. I've never seen her hold on to anybot like a scared child. Crosshairs looks at the situation before taking Jamie away from the area. Ratchet takes (Y/N) to the medbay. It's scary to think did she pass out, or is this a serious concern with her health? But I am also injured. Drift rushed to get the supplies from his room. I stare at the cuts as they bleed, having a hard time believing (Y/N) did this or that she wants to kill Jamie.
As Drift helps takes care of the cuts, I see how troubled he is.
"What troubles you, Drift?"
"Aside from what she just did to you?" Drift sighs, "I caught (Y/N) insulting Jamie, but she told me no one would believe me as I worry too much about Jamie."
Now everything makes sense.
"Go to Crosshairs and Jamie. I'll have Ratchet take care of this."
Drift nods and leaves the room.

"(Y/N) did all that?" Ratchet asks, shocked, "what the hell happened? She was worried being here isn't good for Jamie, but I doubt she meant she'd hurt Jamie. She's fine; you better check on Jamie. I saw how scared she was. I fear she thought you were seriously injured."

Ratchet's P.O.V.
This is scary, even if (Y/N) will no longer try to kill Jamie after being caught; Jamie is too unstable and will hurt herself again. I fear she is suicidal. 
As I head to my file cabinet, I notice the mess on the table and a piece of paper. (Y/N) didn't just have a scalpel. 
"Scrap," I whisper as I find the large syringe and needle in her pocket. Thankfully it's capped, and she didn't use it on Prime or got to Jamie.
"She didn't?!" I hear Prime.
"I don't think we can keep this to ourselves."

We fear what (Y.N.) will tell us when she wakes up. It's clear she's not liking I found the syringe.
"I worried your depression would cause jealousy, but going as far as trying to kill her, I don't understand," Optimus tells her.
"I thought we could help each other, but I see how much more she's loved," (Y/N) explains as tears roll down her face, "two guardians who treat her like a daughter even if one loves her romantically. Even Ratchet cares about her more."
By now, (Y/N) is crying. Optimus hugs her as I debate telling her about Jamie's condition.
"You had to have figured out Jamie is sick," I start "what you found is a deadly chemical that's in her blood. There are times the amount of chemical in the blood increases like a human with diabetes dealing with high blood sugar, but there are other ways her body responds," I show her the syringe, "this is enough to kill her," I know I'm taking a risk telling her she had the right amount, "I've been trying to find a way to cure her; twelve years now with no luck."
"You understand your actions caused us to worry more about Jamie?" Optimus asks.
We have a lot more problems to deal with.

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