Ch. 2 Is This Still a Good Idea?

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Optimus Prime's P.O.V.
(Y/N) is underweight to the point she sleeps often. With nothing to do, Ironhide's holoform sits at the desk in the room I share with (Y/N). Though that's not an exciting task, Ironhide chooses to do this every day without me ordering him to. I fear we're all worried if we're not watching her, we'll miss signs she's dying. Its scary Ratchet says that can happen without (Y/N) ending her life. There's not much we can do while (Y/N) refuses to eat. Ratchet knows sometimes humans need what they call a feeding tube, but (Y/N) would rip it out, causing serious injury. I sit on the floor by the bed, not caring if Ironhide stays or leaves.
"Are you sure this won't backfire?" Ironhide asks.
"I know both femmes enough to be prepared and keep them safe. There's no way to avoid the other outcome that might happen by letting the two femmes meet."
I know the risk involved in this plan, but there's no way to help (Y/N) without risks.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
It's been three months since we saw Jamie. I've noticed Drift has been dreading telling Jamie she can't return to our dimension. I would be telling her no as well if she called me. The problem is being told she can't come here has likely negatively affected Jamie. Very rarely does she ask to come back to our dimension. Usually, she likes to surprise us. Another reason this plan could be risky, but we'll make sure the girls are safe.

I'm hoping Jamie will let me examine her to make sure she's not hurting herself. It has been a while since I gave her a full exam, but I'll hold off for now.
Drift carries Jamie into the medbay, not please, and I add to this by telling him to leave the room. Unlike (Y/N), Jamie lets me examine her, but she's quiet looking at the floor.
"Hey, look at me," I lift Jamie's head to make her look at me. I've seen the sadness in her eyes several times, but not like this. No wonder she was asking to come back. Drift is not going to like this. How long would she have waited before turning to self-harm?

I tell Optimus about Jamie's mental state as we watch her guardians take her to our house.
"This is not how I thought she'd be," Optimus admits, "but we should be able to keep both femmes safe."
"Are we risking Crosshairs and Drift becoming depressed? They'll see this as they failed their charge. Drift will think he failed his girl."
"I know they'll feel guilt they didn't let her come here sooner, but they're used to this."
We make a plan to let the two of them take Jamie home if things go downhill. We know this might not work, but we have to try.

Drift's P.O.V.
I can't believe this. How stupid can I be? Failing to know when Jamie is asking to come here, then she's dealing with shit at home. Worse than usual; otherwise, she'd be asking if Crosshairs and I can go to her dimension.
I'm worried about her mindset, and the junkyard is not a good place for her. It's too late. She'll question why I'm suggesting we go back to her dimension. I don't know if I can keep the two girls away from each other.

Optimus says nothing as the day goes on, but he catches me bringing food to the house and stops me.
"You know you can't have Jamie stay in the house?" He asks.
"This was a mistake, but she'll question why I am taking her home, so I have to let her stay..."
I walk away, expecting Optimus to tell me to stop, but he says nothing.

"You sure you're ok?" Crosshairs asks
"I'm fine!" I reply, annoyed he even asked.
He follows me into the room. Jamie hasn't done anything today but try to sleep. I don't know why she can't fall asleep. Though I'd rather she not sleep in the middle of the day, I gave in and tried to help her fall asleep, but nothing worked. I worry I might have to use a sleep aid tonight.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
Something is not right. We've seen Jamie depressed, but she has never struggled to fall asleep in the middle of the day. At night, yes, but we've found it's a mix of insomnia and being a night person - it depends on the night. Some nights she'll choose to stay up all night, and some nights, she can't get to sleep.
I can tell Drift is ready, thinking this is a mistake, but Jamie just got here.

While (Y/N) has no problem falling asleep tonight, Jamie struggles even though it's clear she's tired. We've learned how Jamie deals with headaches, so we know it's not a headache.
"We waited too long. How long has Jamie been like this?" Drift whispers.
The others are waiting for us to talk about the girls. Optimus lets us take Jamie for a drive.
We don't be going far, so I'm holding Jamie while we take Drift's alt mode.

"That long?" Hound asks, concerned.
"An hour, something is not right," Ratchet adds, "but she's fine health-wise unless you want me to draw blood?"
"No, it's not a physical health problem," Prime tells him, sounding disappointed, "her mental health declined."
He walks away. We know Prime feels as if he failed Jamie, and after what (Y/N) did, he's been feeling like he's failed her.
Please don't tell me you're worried we will end up having two dead femmes, sir?

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