Ch. 1 The Plan

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Optimus Prime’s P.O.V.
It’s hard when someone is considering suicide, but it’s harder when they’ve tried already. How can you keep them safe without making them feel like a prisoner? It’s hard to watch (Y/N) deal with depression, struggling to get them out of bed and to eat. She’s not the first human we’re watching deal with depression, but her mindset is unstable compared to our friend Jamie, but I know how Drift feels; wondering how your girlfriend will be each day, but I also worry if (Y/N) will try to end her life again. We all worry Jamie will get to where she tries to end her life. 
“... I’m sorry, now’s not a good time,” I hear Drift on the phone as I walk by. Crosshairs is not pleased with what he’s hearing. It’s concerning for Drift to lie to Jamie, but it’s easy to figure out why. 

As I walk into my room in the house built for us — whether we use our holoforms or bipedal form — I sit on the chair by the desk, waiting for (Y/N) to wake up. It’s my routine every day; she’ll wake up at eleven or noon, and I have to work to get her out of bed and eat. Then it’s a struggle to get her to do something rather than go back to bed. 
Today, (Y/N) is to see Ratchet. We cut back on her visits to his office since she won’t talk, but he needs to keep track of her health. She’s already lost so much weight, and I worry she’ll end up very sick one day, especially as winter nears.

The morning starts out the same, with (Y/N) being difficult and refusing to eat. I’m expecting to carry her to Ratchet’s office one of these days. Amazingly, she walks to his office when she knows what he’ll do. Though the visit doesn’t go any better than (Y/N), showing how displeased she is to be in Ratchet’s office.
Ironhide takes (Y/N), hoping to get her to eat. I said nothing or ask him to take her, but I see the ‘we need to talk’ expression on his face.
“You remember when I said (Y/N)’s mental state is at the point we can only manage it?” Ratchet asks. I nod, remembering what he said, “I think Jamie could help her; they could help each other. I know things could go the other way, but there’ll be seven Autobots around, and you know how Crosshairs or Drift are with Jamie most of the time. You are with (Y/N) a good amount of time during the day; we can keep them safe.”
This will need careful planning, with everyone agreeing with this idea. We’ll inform Ironhide later.

“No!” Drift disagrees, which I didn’t expect, “(Y/N) tried to end her life, and Jamie is unstable mentally as it is.”
Even after what Ratchet told me, Drift is unconvinced this is a good idea. I didn’t think he’d walk away. As Drift walks away, Crosshairs isn’t sure if he should follow him or not.
“Go ahead,” I tell him.
Crosshairs runs after Drift.
“That went well,” Ironhide sarcastically says.
“After what they’ve been through while we’ve been in hiding, can you blame him?” Ratchet asks, “I worry about what he means by unstable? He could be right, but they’ll both keep her safe.”

Drift’s P.O.V.
I sit on the hood of my alt mode, feeling stressed just from hearing the idea. Only Crosshairs knows I’ve been lying to Jamie for the past two weeks after (Y/N) tried to end her life. I can hear it in Jamie’s voice on the phone; she needs to come back. Add she says nothing about Crosshairs and I going back to her dimension.
I know the footsteps I’m hearing are Crosshairs’. I don’t know if I should be pissed or sad he thinks this is a good idea.
“Just don’t!”
“I know you are worried; you think I am not?”
“I know this is dangerous, but one of us is with Jamie, and that doesn’t bother her. We’ll be able to keep her safe.”

(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
I hate how I scared everyone two weeks ago and how they are now terrified to leave me alone for one second. Wonder if Prime spies on me in the bathroom? At least that’s not creepy since we’re dating — though it’s not the greatest way I want him to see me nude.

Walking around the junkyard, I see Crosshairs and Drift talking. Its strange Drift looks worried.
“.... it’s not like you to worry like this,” Crosshairs says...
Wow, this is not like Drift at all.
“Hey, I love her too — in a non-romantic way...,” It’s funny how quickly Crosshairs added ‘in a non-romantic way.’ He got Drift to smile and laugh, “this could be good for both of them. Jamie has wanted to come back, and I know you worry about telling her she can’t.”
Crosshairs hugs Drift before the two walk towards the Autobots’ house. I should remember who Jamie is since I’ve been with the Autobots since day one, but I don’t. It sounds like she deals with depression and the Autobots hope we can help each other.

A few hours pass before Optimus tells me Jamie will come here — though he said another female friend. Why did he leave out ‘human’? Why didn’t he say Cybertronian? Then he explains he still loves me. Oh, scrap, he thinks I’ll be jealous. I will not mention I heard Crosshairs and Drift’s conversation, and I know Drift loves Jamie. I just hope we can help each other.

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