Gasping loud as if inhaling oxygen I was being denied; wiggling my toes and fingers feeling them come back to life slowly. Andrei sighs picking me back into his embrace caressing my face gently yet with such hollowness that registers I am not truly out of danger.

"Codes, Álainn. Tell me, you remember the codes. That is the only way I can save you."

"Codes?" What codes?

"Open you eyes, T. Yes, codes." I didn't know my eyes fluttered close now feeling the heaviness in my eyelids weigh more as the effect of the cure works its magic reviving me back to life which also jogs back my memory.

Breathing strained. "A triangle, half of it on the right is a dark shade. A circle. Dark square shape, half star, another triangle with no shade and... And."

Flashes began dancing in my head disrupting my memory of the codes with how Uncle drugged me so they boys won't find me easily inside the big boat. After receiving a call at the last hour thinking he killed Vadim and Andrei on his missions, triumphant that he won and they are dead which means he get to have me and Tusya as his property. To his surprise, he got a call which I guess was from the boys; he quickly seized Tusya from me and told his men to drug me when I tried to fight them off. Luckily for me, I stole the cure two hours earlier when he was distracted.

One thing prominent about his feature, fear; Uncle was scared after the mysterious caller and knows the only way he can ever escape alive is with my son hearing gunshots at farther part of the boat. That was before I passed out. I knew he purposely did not stop the timer cause he wants them to watch me die and possibly they die with me.

"What is the last one, baby girl? Please remember." Andrei's panic words snaps me out of it back to reality.

"It's a question." I respond.

He probes furthermore taking out a knife and his tablet from his back. "What question?"  He began tapping furiously at the screen that I fear it will break.

I try again to remember hearing gunshots go off in the distance. It was a question but what question. My eyes goes down to the timer blaring a ten minutes to explosion signal.

I didn't want to accept it but it is too late for me. If by the time the timer hits the last second and they are here none of us will survive it. Looking at Andrei, I try to memorize his face as the last minutes keeps beeping. His ginger hair tousled as a result of the fight he must have encountered before getting to me, dark shadows can be seen beneath his eyes and above all he still look sexy as ever. Pink pouty lips, high cheeks bones, one of the most handsome man I have come across and I'm glad to share part of my life with him.

Enclosing my hands on his. "Andrei...."

He sits up as if burned tapping the screen looking for the one code that matches my description. "No! Please don't do this to me again." He didn't dare look at me and I know it's because it is to wade off my downcast look.

Gulping, nine minutes left. "Andrei, please stop. It's over."

He roars kicking the bed it rattles. "No! It's not over until I say it is over, T." Crashing the tablet in the process.

The timer starts to beep louder and this is not how I want it to end. Not us fighting or not seeing my son's face one last time. And if I can remember from five years back when I watch the boys create their first weapon in their quarters; once this bomb goes off everything and everyone within a thirty feet radius will be fish food.

My twenty-seven years wasn't all that great after all trying not to break down and ball my eyes out. Having the name Trinity is expected to have such great and splendiferous events but mine is the exact opposite. Well, I guess the only good thing out of my name are Vadim, myself and Andrei and the union we formed. Sadly, they won't get to meet their unborn child.

Sniffing, climbing down the bed to him. My hands holds onto his forcing him to look at me. "My brother will find our son and we are going home as promised and it will be like none of this ever happened but I need you to please remember the question. I have to save you. I need to save you. Don't leave me again... I- I..."

My psycho breaks pulling me in a bone crushing hug as tears brim my eyes looking up so it won't spill.

"I will save you, baby girl. I promise you with my life." We draw apart with us lost in each other eyes, a small smile grace my lips. It's too late for such promises. His eyes pleads with me not to give up hope and that's so hard to do when you have a bomb strap to your chest and the love of your life watching you about to die.

Standing on a tiptoe kissing his lips. "We need to find Vadim and Tusya." He nods looking at the timer determination dancing in his eyes and I was scared to even look at it again know what it says. Instead, my eyes glued to his as he tags me along running outside the room in search of Vadim and Tusya calling his name.

Tusya shouts halting our steps switching to an opposite direction to the surface of the boat where Vadim held Uncle at gunpoint. Andrei's countenance change, Vadim hearing is behind him turns eyes on my chest flitting his gaze to Andrei.

The sound of a helicopter raise our heads towards its direction that is fast closing in. Rushing to my Tusya giving him one last hug sniffing his sweet baby scent, he hugs me back. Distracted, Andrei says something in their native tongue to Vadim knowing it's about his failed attempt to stop the timer that is one minute away from explosion. Next thing, a lifejacket is put on Tusya who kisses my lips before being lowered inside the speedboat.

Vadim comes to kiss me one final time as my eyes tears up and then hugs his brother with three pat to the back. Alarmed, coming to understanding, I screamed for Vadim to take Andrei with him but he speeds off so fast the water leaves a high trialing tail.

Andrei rushes to the far end picking up another lifejacket wearing it on me. Why is he not with one also? Where is his own? That thought dismissed when he placed his lips on mine softly, it breaks and shatters every barrier I ever held back, the fear of dying without even living for him. He pours his love, his dreams, his desires, his passion into the kiss and I just melt wrapping my arms around  his neck savouring my last seconds with the man I love.

Our last kiss. Our last good-bye.

My eyes tears up kissing him harder as he return the fervour hearing the automated voice announce. We didn't let go for once.

"Five... four...three...t...”

"I love you, baby girl." In a flash.

Cutting the straps of the bomb loose, Andrei tugs a rope by the side of my lifejacket that pulls me in the air throwing me in the ocean far away from the boat alerting my senses it was actually a parachute and not a lifejacket as I presumed.

Swimming in might towards the boat crying harder. I yell. "Andrei! No! Andrei!!!" The only thing present was his crazy psychotic smirk watching me.


Once again thrown back into the sea. Swimming up, I screamed. "Andrei!!!" Something died...

Or it is someone. My heart. Falling unconscious once again welcoming the darkness.

Abbie cares

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