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Pushing the plate away against the table I looked up at him, "Okay... talk," I demanded.

His eyes snapped up to meet mine holding a glint in them.

We had been sitting here in the kitchen for some time where the only sound prohibiting us from achieving total silence was the occasional scraping of cutlery against the ceramic plates.

"That's fair. I guess in a way I have been prolonging the inevitable. So..." he paused rubbing his hands together as if he was about to partake in a strenuous task, "I was upset that night. And in the midst of that anger I wound up punching a wall - pretty stupid as fuck, I know," he chuckled humourlessly," But all logic escapes me sometimes and I wound up sitting on your steps just trying to hide away," he concluded waiting expectantly for my reaction.

I eyed his profile, scoping out his panorama for any imperfections, for any loose string sticking out from his armour consisting of Italian fabric to disrupt the illusion. Falling short to the point of experiencing mild annoyance I replied, "For a man so insistent on explaining himself you really are stingy when it comes to details."

His brow rose at my unexpected tone I'm sure. But I had been waiting long enough for all the questions in my head to be answered. And I'll be damned if I didn't make the most of the moment since he was the one who barged into my home. The tick in his jaw almost made me convinced I may have said something to irritate him. Yet when he shifted and rolled his shoulders to lean forward, something told me I may have misinterpreted the possible reaction especially when he said, "What would you like to know?"

And there it was... the real question holding everything in a rigid balance between what most consider plausible and a mere fantasy.

"Who are you?"

He scoffed, scraping his fingers lightly against his chin," What does that have to do with anything?"

"You and I both know there's no way I can overlook your behaviour, not only from the night we first saw each other to now. I mean you walk around with two men and don't you dare tell me, they're your babysitters," I looked off to the side contemplating my next set of words. "For some time I managed to convince my mind into believing that somehow you were just a figment of my imagination and now you're back to disrupt my quiet life destroying the explanation I built. So be real with me..." I kept my tone from wavering or being swayed by the intensity in his gaze.

The corners of his mouth lifted eventually before a hearty laugh tumbled out of him and though I wanted to remain serious I could feel the corners of my lips lift slightly, "Fine. I mean I did come to you. And honestly" he breathed sobering up quickly, his smile dropping along with his eyes. "I'm a pretty normal guy."

He looked bemused at my scoff given the way his eyes lifted and turned to slits but we both knew the use of the word 'normal' couldn't be applied when it came to him. However, he continued rubbing his chin with the tips of his fingers as if in deep thought, "I'm used to having things go my way, which is only appropriate considering how my life has been designed," he chortled leaning forward, "but there are aspects to it that make me qualified to deem it normal."

I waited patiently for him to continue, the eagerness inside was dying to ooze out at the way I grew invested at the invisible shadow lurking. I didn't dare ask if there was another part he was hiding, it was axiomatic at this point especially when he smirked, the pleasure of seeing me hanging on to his every word evident. "Do I still scare you?"

"The only real emotion I can pin point in relation to you is mere fascination."

He leaned forward even more aggravating my interest to a whole new level at the secret about to slip past his lips. Keeping my breathing under control at the sudden proximity the increase in speed within my chest was only a result of the green flecks I hadn't noticed until now resting comfortably amongst the sea of blue. I could only hope he couldn't hear my heart beating.

Falling For A Man Of The CityWhere stories live. Discover now