Astro Talks Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

A Little Later

How's he doing? -Bruce

Unfortunately, he's still Barton -Tony

That's terrible -Bruce

He's fine. he's thirty -Tony

he'll live. he was sassy earlier -Rory says then she leaves the two alone and she returns to her sister and Clint

Rory and Natasha watch as Dr. Cho work's on Clint and lean against one another as Cho works away after a Few Moments Natasha speaks

are you sure he's gonna be okay? -Natasha

Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together -Tony says as he walks into the room with drinks

can you imagine if it was someone else here we'd all be panicking -Rory joins in on teasing Clint

Clint playfully glared at Rory but says nothing not wanting to be smacked by Natasha again

There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous his cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra -Cho

Natasha has a confused look on her face

She's creating tissue Tasha -Rory

Natasha nods

if you brought him to my lab then regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes -Cho

oh, he's flat-lining Call it time? -Tony

no no no I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic -Clint

if I stab that area will it hurt -Rory

only one way to find out -Natasha

Clint playfully glares at the Sisters who partly Smirk partly snicker back

here's your beverage -Tony says and begins giving drinks to people

You'll be made of you Mr. Barton your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference -Cho

I don't have a girlfriend -Clint

Natasha and Rory share a look that everyone else misses both knowing that Clint is married with kids

That I can't fix -Cho

Rory bites her tongue to keep from laughing

This is the next thing, Tony. your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust -Cho

that is exactly the plan and Helen I expect to see you at the party on Saturday -Tony

unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties... will Thor be there? -Cho

Rory has to remove herself from the room and she goes to a balcony where she looks at the view. she pulls out a cigarette and lights it with her flame that appears on her singer which goes out after the cigarette is lit when Natasha appears

you wanted to talk to. little sister -Natasha

I met her -Rory

this so-called Counterpart -Natasha

Rory nods

I let her throw me into a wall and accidentally dropped a book that explained our bond and how important we are to one another. She picked it up and ran with it. later she asked me why she felt a pull to me as she could tell I wasn't shocked about it -Rory says and offers Natasha a Cigarette which she takes

Rory lights it up for Natasha who then takes a drag

what did you say -Natasha

I told her to read the book it would explain enough and when she's ready to come to me and I'll answer whatever questions she has that a can that is -Rory

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