11. Too Much Power

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I was feeling agitated and couldn't sleep so I walked to my mirror.

My hair was a mess, probably because it wasn't combed in a good time, my clothes were dirty and when I saw my face I screamed. The guards probably think it's a normal scream from the other kids.

My eyes were orange and red but when I moved away from the mirror something grabbed my arm, I looked up and saw one skeleton with an expression exactly like mine, but it was hard to see it clear because of the dim light, with half her body inside of the mirror and the other outside because of the hold she had on my arm. She-devil.

"Don't go, come so we can talk" She said and I stopped fighting against her hold. I walked slowly and stared at her in the mirror.

"Tonight I'm gonna come with you. It will hurt really bad and probably will kill every human that is here" She said and my eyes widened.

"You are gonna transform into your demon form. After this you can transform when you want" She said and I asked "And my dragon and other forms?"

"You already can transform into those" She stated happily with a huge smile on her... my face which confused me "What are you happy about?"

"It's time" She whispered with a smirk, her face inches away from mine. Suddenly, she came out of the mirror and came towards me. I closed my eyes and felt something pass by me and I felt a shiver run down my ribs but it's cut short by a pain on my back making me hold the sink for my dear life.

I let out a ear piercing screams non-stop until I felt no more pain and I glanced at the mirror to see me with horns in my head glowing with the color gold, my skin red completely flawless, my ears were pointed and more long, my hair was flying in the air and my eyes were glowing the same gold of the horns instead of the orange/red they were before. Oh and I had a fucking demon tail.

When I touched the floor to walk to warn the others I noticed that where my feet touched burned. Pretty cool if you ask me.

My senses were 100 times better so I could hear a camera moving, I looked at it and smirked like the own Cheshire cat would.

"A camera? Make sure to save it, this place will burn"

I break it with the fireball I sent in it's direction.

I completely forgot what I was going to do and just entered the mirror and appeared in every single mirror in everybody's room giggling.

The type of giggle that if even the craziest people hear it would scream it to stop, the kind of giggle that would haunt your nightmares forever.

The people were screaming and crying from fear and running in every direction for me not to get them. I'm not hurting any demons or my dad would be pissed, I know he cares about them, he just doesn't show it.

An alarm started ringing and guards came from everywhere, when they saw me their eyes widened and they bowed. Demons.

"What are you doing?" Greg growled at the men.

"She's our princess" One of them said and I giggled. I like that name, it makes me feel powerful. But I would prefer Queen or even King but that's for dad.

"Get away from her, she's dangerous for the other species" Asmo said, entering the hallway that we are and standing in front of me to 'protect' me.

"Asmo, what are you doing here?" One of the demons asked and he responded "Protecting the princess" While he was talking I teleported to other rooms, scaring more people. He felt like catching up and talking to his friends, not like I'm stopping him.

The building was destroyed and on fire. The majority of the kids were already outside talking to the police and the firefighters were trying to stop the fire but nothing resulted, I'm the only one who can stop it.

I saw Bri and Lithy being taken away. When they saw me they tried to come to me but the guard was too strong.

Finally the process ended and I could control my body again. I walked out the front door, everybody looked at me, I noticed that I had black veins in my hands, wrists and neck but wasn't in my demon form. Thank Satan. There were journalists trying to ask people questions but the guards wouldn't let them.

I started walking towards my friends but a police officer stopped me and I hissed at him.

"You're under arrest for the arson and destruction of the building" He said in a firm voice while trying to reach me.

"Yeah, I don't think so" I said looking into his eyes, I started using my power to control his mind. He shook his head trying to take away the feeling that he was feeling because of me. You feel like you're high. Sometimes it doesn't work but I'm trying hard to

"Darling, that isn't gonna help and by the way it wasn't my fault" I said, leaning against his car door.

"She's right" She-devil said and I looked at the door glass to see her there with her skeleton body and her eyes glowing her normal red/orange color.

The officer looked at me and with a shaky hand pointed to the glass.

"D-did y-you hear t-that?" He stuttered and she-devil huffed and asked me "Did he seriously think I'm not real?"

"Looks like it" I said, chuckling a little and his mouth opened and closed multiple times trying to say something.

"Let's talk about important things, shall we? You understand that it wasn't my fault and that you will not arrest me, right?" I said, detaching myself from the car, my voice captivating his attention and he nodded dazed.

"Good boy" I said, patting the top of his head. He gasped and shook his head returning to his normal state.

I walk to Bri and Lithy that were curious about what the fuck just happened.

"What happened to you earlier? And why does the officer look like he just saw a ghoul when he looked at the window of the car?" Lithy asked me and I answered with "Do you have a mirror?"

"I have one" Brizo said, giving me a little piece of a broken mirror. I showed them the mirror, Bri jumped back while putting her hand on her chest while Lilith looked closer.

"That's you but you are there" Bri mumbled trying to process what she just saw and I responded smiling at her face "That's the she-devil, she appears in my reflection and what you saw was my demon form".

"Girl you were hot, I would totally fuck you if you weren't my bestfriend" Lilith said and me and Bri laughed at what she said. Lithy is bisexual by the way.

"So where are we going now?" Brizo asked after the laughter stopped. Some places came to my mind but none of them seemed good to stay.

"I don't know. I would say my parents' house but they don't want to see me ever again" She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

That's it.

"I have an idea" I stated in a smug voice and they look at me for me to continue so I did it "I can control their mind and then they would let us stay there" They end up agreeing that it was a good idea, they had some doubts that I couldn't hypnotize them but I told them that I can because I can. A celestial being is way more powerful than a supernatural being, we are gods when each species are the sons of a different goddesses and had more or less 15% in them from the goddess or god, except in the werewolf kind, for example the royal family and some powerful Alphas from generations with the original blood have at least 80% from the goddess. And by the way Asmo said the moon goddess was really kind and nice unlike many other gods and goddesses that only care about them and their supernatural beings.

We walked away as fast as possible so no one could see us, it was easy because the guards were busy calming the people who wanted to pass but Madeline and Asmodeus noticed us and made us bring them.

We entered some random car. Surprisingly, Maddy knew how to break into a car. Anyways, she drove us in the directions Lilith was giving us.


Xoxo Mads 💋

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