2. Good deal

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I don't know what was happening to me. I never did that, thought about it a lot of times but never really had the courage to talk back to her. It was like I was being controlled by the real me, if that makes sense, one that I didn't even know existed.

"No" I said simply.

"No what?" She asked, too much confusion laced in only two words.

"No, I'm not doing what you say because I'm not afraid of you and could easily make you run in tears. Now that you got it, get out of my fucking way" I say calmly while looking directly in her eyes. I heard a lot of 'oh's and some 'what is she doing?' somewhere in the crowd. There were a LOT of people here.

I noticed she was slightly shaking and then a voice spoke but it seemed like a thought and it wasn't mine "How could this nerd get me with fear. Nobody makes me afraid. NOBODY. And why do I feel a pull to make what she demanded ugh"

"Come on, make me run in tears" She mocked while raising her eyebrows and opening her arms.

I started walking and stopped in front of her with my hands intertwined behind my back and my face slightly raised because she was taller than me with her huge high heels.

"Ok but let's make this more fun, right? Something without meaning isn't amusing for our spectators." I stated with an excited voice while pointing at the students with one hand and slightly laughing. "If I can't make you run in tears, I will make what you want during the rest of the year but if I do, then you have to stop bullying me and other people. Forever. If that's alright with you, of course?" I continued, holding out my hand for her to shake so we could make the promise properly, my head slightly to the side and my vision always focused on her.

"Ok" She said, shaking my hand. I don't know why but I feel a goosebump in my hand like I did something important, looks like the pacts really are powerful.

"Good deal, good deal but are you sure?" I questioned. She's agreeing with a deal forever.

"Come on do it" She said, trying to keep her voice emotionless and failing miserably.

I put my hand on her shoulder, standing on tiptoe, came closer to her ear so she was the only one listening and said calmly so she could understand well "I know what happened honey, that step-father was really cruel wasn't he? He looked so sweet and caring but in reality was a monster, no that will be an insult to the monsters in general. Made you fall in love with him, took your virginity while also fucking your mommy and then what happened, uh?" When I finish I put my hand on her tear-stained cheek and swipe the tears. I don't even know how I know this.

"He left" She finished crying even harder.

She started calming down and then looked at me.

"How did you know that?" She asked, still sniffing.

"It doesn't matter. Now with our little pact, you stop bullying other people" I responded while smiling.

She huffed before nodding and walking away with her group while they tried to calm her down.

Then I look around and see everyone looking at me expectedly and some curious and fearful looks. "You can go now there is nothing to see, fuckers" I shouted trying to move their attention away from me.

When they finally went away I sighed and continued my classes and received different looks such as: Awe, fear, curiosity, gratitude, guilt, even lust… Now why would they feel guilty? Well, before high school I was very popular, had many friends and people loved me in general but then Stephany started bullying me and threatened anybody that I was friends with that she would do the same to them if they didn't stop talking to me. And they left.

Fake people

The day ended and I was walking to the house.

I got there and started looking for food when suddenly I felt a strange dizziness and myself falling to the ground.

Black it's all I see

It's too much black

Next I feel like I was sitting in a big chair and my vision started to come back but I wasn't on the house I was in fucking hell.

Like it looks like hell

Maybe I died and end up here, I won't be surprised

I wasn't the best person but I wasn't the worst either. For example I never broke so- Nevermind I did it.

Where I am again?

Ohhh yeah hell and a weird guy is looking at me like I am talking out loud. Shit am I talking out loud?

"Yes and I don't know how you don't remember me, I put a very specific memory in your head" the weird guy questioned. He looked much like my dad.

Then it clicked

I'm so dumb

"You are my father" I said, surprised. My jaw dropped as I realized.

"Yes" he said proudly. I think he was expecting to hear that for a long time now.

"So what the fuck I'm doing here and were is here exactly?"

"Oh you're in hell and you are here because I need to talk to you" he responded smiling, his scary face softening making him look younger. When what he said came to my ears I choked on my saliva.

"Come again" I exclaimed, trying to make sense out of what he said. I think I wasn't really expecting to be in hell.

"Let's talk, okay?" He questioned softly and I nodded.

"So I'm your dad, my name is Lucifer Doxon and I'm the King of Hell, also known as Satan or Devil"

"So I'm the daughter of the Devil wow that's a lot of responsibility" I murmured kinda nervous. I probably will need to take care of important things and I don't know if I prepared.

"Yes and your mom, her name was Mab she was incredible but she already passed away" he said sadly.

"Oh" Was all I could say, I was feeling very bipolar right now.

"She was one of the Queens of fairies. Her element was fire" he said.

"Like Tinkerbell?" I asked, trying not to laugh because I was just told my mom died. Like I said BIPOLAR.

"Yeah but this is real" He said seriously, which made me want to laugh even more.

"Ok that's good"

"Yeah it's good but I called you to talk about if something strange happened today?"

"Yes, it happened but why today?"

"Because today is your birthday"

"No it's not, my birthday is 3rd December"

"Wrong, it's today so 13th November"

"Okay I'm gonna trust you cause you are supposed to be my dad" I said suspiciously but if he's my real father then he probably remembers when I was born. I trust people too easily.

"Now let's talk about your powers"


So... what do you y'all think? I would love to hear you opinion.

Oh and btw when's your birthday?

Xoxo Mads 💋

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