𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 61

Start from the beginning

"How did it feel? What was it like when you saw your work out there?" 

"It was amazing to see my sketches come to life.  To see these beautiful fans, customers and supporters, wearing my clothing and feeling confident and comfortable and tagging me on social media. It was so surreal to see my work on other celebrities and the entire experience is one I'll forever cherish." I smile, thinking about my job. 

"That's so touching Sophia." I look away from her and my eyes meet Axton's blue green ones. He flashes me a genuine smile and I blush. 

"One more question for Axton." 

"As many fans observed, your parents had left New York after you inherited the company, some fans think you rebuilt the empire into what it is today, alone. Is that true? Can you share who was with you during the times that McKay Industries were number nine and close to being taken off the list of Top Companies?" 

"Well of course I had my best friends, but eventually I pushed them all away, but Soph stayed. She never left. Wheater I yelled, cried, smashed shit, she never left." I look away smiling as the other  members of staff break out in 'Awws.' 

"That is so adorable! Not a question on script but Sophia, is it true Axton chose a few colors for your first line?" I chuckle knowing the fans would love this question. 

"Yes, he did." I laugh. 

"Oh come on babe, don't hide the truth," he tells me and I roll my eyes smiling. 

"He actually chooses for every line. Including the one at the show soon." I chuckle as the entire room squeals. 

"Well that's it for the individual interviews, now as a couple." I see Axton sigh. He hates these things. 

"Axton McKay and Sophia Rivera, the duo everyone wants to date, they have been best friends since five. Anything you two want to add to that?" Uh, what am I supposed to say? 

"Are dating, built two empires together," he looks at me. 

"Always been there for each other, through thick or thin."  I continue looking into his eyes. 

"2021 Bonnie and  Clyde." he finishes, still looking at me and everyone breaks out laughing. 

"Well thank you two so much! Fans are going to love this article and interview." The room  applause but we're looking at each other. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me. 

"I love you." he mumbles and I melt. 

"I love you too." I say into the kiss. We pull away and rest our foreheads against each other.  


"Why the hell is your room this messy?" I ask him, going through his room. 

"I don't know," he say demolishing the gaming controller in his hands, eyes focused on the screen.  

I stand there, with my hand on my hip and a box in the other. 

"Axton McKay, get the fuck off that game and help me pack your shit!" I yell and he looks at me, a blank expression on his face. 

"Oh you think I'm kidding?" he quickly takes his headphones off and put his controller down. Your ass is still on the chair, you cute asshole. 

"Get the hell up and help me." 

"Yes ma'am." he jumps off the chair. 

I bite back a smile as we take all of his grey t-shirts and put them  into boxes.

"Why can't we pay someone to do this bullshit?" he asks and I throw a shirt at him. 

"Because you need to learn to do shit." I tell him and he walks up to me and pushes the box out of my hand. 

"Axton-" he shuts me up with a kiss.  I melt as his lips meet mine. I'll never get over how his touch sets me on fire. 

"You" Kiss 

"Need." kiss 

"To." kiss

"Stop"  kiss 

"Talking." kiss 

"To." kiss 

"Me." kiss

"however you want." kiss.  A moan escapes my lips as he kisses my color bone. 

He brings his lips back to mine, but he lightly presses them onto my lips biting my bottom lip and letting  go. 

"Axton-" I whine as he smirks.  I fucking hate him. Okay that's a lie. 

"Next time be a good girl so I can fuck you like the pretty little good slut you are." he kisses my shoulder as he grabs the box from the ground. 

Rail me, please. 

"Sophia, you should really start packing." he smirks and I have nothing to say so I turn to the closet, grabbing shirts. 

A few minutes, and almost three hundred shirts later. Seriously? How many shirts of the same color do you need? 

I reach the draws at the bottom of the built-in shelves.  Which as a bunch of shit in it. But the one thing that catches my eye is the black box. 

"What's this?" I ask him and as his eyes fall onto the little box, a smile makes its way onto his face. Huh? 

"Open it." he says and I look at him confused. 

"Open it?" I ask him and he nods. 

I open it and I see a ring inside, as expected. But who's ring is it? Oh my God, is it Piper's? Ew. 

"Who's-" he grabs it. Idiot. 

"Remember your birthday, when we had dinner in the garden?" I smile remembering one of my favorite memories. I was going to  tell him I liked him. But I couldn't. 

"Yeah?" I ask him. 

"I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend." he chuckles shaking his head and tears reach to my eyes. 

"Really?" I ask him and he nods. 

"Same." I chuckle and he bursts out laughing. 

"Seriously?" I nod laughing. 

"That's crazy." he says and I nod. 

"Here, this is yours Mrs. Sucessful." I start laughing as he slips the ring on my finger. 

"Alright, let's hurry up. We have to go grocery shopping." he says and I'm confused. 

"What for?" I ask him. 

"You're out of tampons and have you not seen the date Sophia?" I pick my phone up and yep, I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow. Hold up. 

"How do you know that?" I ask him and he looks at me like 'Seriously?'  

"I've been your best friend  for years, plus you always yell around this time of the month." Oh? 

"Get a life Axton," I say and he sighs. 

"And it begins." he says walking out the room with a box. 

"I love you!" I yell and I hear him yell back.

"I love me too baby!" 

"Asshole." I mumble. 


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