Chapter 18 ~ Arrest

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"How are you feeling?" Farah asked Bloom

"A bit rough, but, you know, I'll survive" Bloom said smiling

"Well, you drew on a great deal of magic last night both of you. You're bound to feel drained for-"

"- I've been a brat" Bloom said "I can't stop thinking about what i said to you last night. You've.. You've been incredible to me. You found me when i was lost, you brought me to a safe place, gave me guidance. You surrounded me with amazing people. You introduced me to my... my family. And i've just been-"

"-It's forgiven" Farah said smiling

"Do you, um... Can we... hug??" Bloom asked nervously

It was silence for a few moments. And then Farah stood up and hugged Bloom.

Then the door opened and a voice said "You wanted to see me mum." Destiny said walking in "Oh. Wh.. what is going on?"

"We are having a hug. Destiny haven't you ever heard of one?" Farah laughed

"Of course i have heard of one." Destiny replied

Farah opened her arm out for Destiny to join the hug, and she did. Farah placed hand on both girls's heads and whispered "I'm sorry from keeping so much from you girls."

They pulled away and Bloom said "It's forgiven"

"When i became headmistress. I made a decision.. to become a figurehead." Farah started pouring a few drinks. "To project strength. It's what students your age need, admitting mistakes invites uncertainty, but not admitting people you care about have to ask you if you hug."

Farah smiled "I should have told you everything from the moment Bloom stepped foot in this school. You are my daughters, my blood i should have not given up so easily."

"I mean. It would have saved a lot of effort" Destiny said

Farah gave Destiny a 'seriously?' stare.

"Or maybe we needed time." Destiny added

"I can't keep ignoring my life back home and lying to my parents. They deserve to know what i am and what happened to their real daughter. The truth" Bloom said

"You're right they do" Farah said "But a word of caution, it won't be easy.


Bloom knocked at the door to her home back in the human world.

"Bloom?" Her dad said answering the door.

"Hi" She said hugging him

"Vanessa" He shouted

She walked to the door and saw Bloom "Bloom?" She asked hugging her.

"I'm sorry. I know I've been MIA the past few days. But i'm gonna explain everything. I do have one quick question first. Girls" Bloom said as the girls walked past from the corner.

"Hi" Stella said

"Pleasure to meet you" Terra said

Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now