Chapter 5 ~ The Plan

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Destiny came running down to the training ground and ran up to Sky.

"You're late" He said

"I know i know i couldn't find my socks."

"Ah Little Silva the first year." Riven said to Destiny

"Ah its Geek-whore" Destiny replied

"Sweep the leg" Riven said to the two first years fighting on the square.

"Could you try being 50% less of a dick?" Sky asked

"Well i'd be 50% less fun."

"Remember what a lost cause you were last year?" Destiny asked smiling

"I recall it as two black eyes and a sprained ankle, day one" Sky said

"What do you want, a handy for taking me under your wing?" Riven said "I thought my friendship was reward enough"

"It is" Sky said patting his face twice before walking away.

"Where's he going?" Destiny asked.

"Oh you know to see his darling Princess."

"Eugh omg you should have heard her over the summer." Destiny said

"Omg what do i do should i text him. i just love him so much he's so cute his blonde hair" Destiny said imitating Stella and laughing. "I almost threw up when she said that"

The two laughed and Destiny locked eyes with a boy a few feet away.

The boy smiled and continued lifting weights.

Destiny continued staring like a weirdo before waking up from the gaze by Riven snapping in her face.

"Hm what?" Destiny asked

"What are you doing? Eyeballing someone?" Riven asked

"No. Come on lets duel." Destiny said grabbing Rivens hand up onto the square.

"Oh come on this isn't fair. I am a second year you're a first year i am clearly going to wi-"

Destiny punched him in the face

"Woah what was that about winning?" Destiny put her hand to her ear

"Oh so thats how u wanna play it?"

The two carried on fighting and got attention of a few people including Silva.

Riven fell to floor after Destiny swept his feet of the floor and smiled when everyone watching clapped.

"Well done Destiny" Saul said smiling and walking away

The boy from earlier was smiling at Destiny and she walked over to him.

"That's quite impressive." The boy said "I'm James."

"Thank you and i'm Destiny"

"It's nice to meet you maybe we should train sometime?" James said

"Yeah absolutely" Destiny said grabbing her bag and walking back to her suite"


"I'm telling you him saying that is practically the Specialist version of someone asking someone on a date!" Terra said to Destiny

"Terra all he said was we should train together"

"Okay fine but i am still saying it now you shall end up together forever and ever like Cinderella and Prince Charming" Terra smiled

"I hope that is not trying to indicate something?"

Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now