Chapter 11 ~ War room

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They girls were standing in the courtyard watching the teachers talk.

"They're still on edge so whatever they are doing it's not going well." Musa said

"I find it hard to believe that they'd have some big ulterior motive." Terra said

"I didn't wanna believe it either, but-" Aisha said

"People have more stuff going on than you'd think, especially parents." Musa said walking off


"Hey Bloom i got your text. Whats up and erm why is Beatrix here and why are you here?" Destiny asked walking into the abandoned east wing

"Hey erm i saw this." Bloom said showing Destiny a picture "Did you know this existed?"

"What the hell." Destiny said

It was a picture of two girls born with bright red hair and blue eyes. It had Silva and Farah smiling in the back next to the cots where the girls were sleeping. On one cot it said Destiny and on the other it said Bloom.

"What the actual fuck." Destiny said

"There's loads more. They were all hidden behind a hidden door." Bloom said

Bloom pulled out more pictures. One of Andreas and Silva with the girls. Ones of Rosalind holding a baby and Farah holding another.

"Omg wait this piece of paper. It.. it's our birth certificates." Destiny said to Bloom.

"Bloom Silva-Dowling. What the hell." Bloom said

"Wait so does this mean you are sisters?" Beatrix asked

"I..i think we are twins. We are both born on the same day" Destiny said looking at the birth certificates. "My- i mean our mu-.... Dowling and Silva must have hidden everything."

"Why?" Bloom asked

"Dunno they are hiding a lot of things lately. Surprise."

"Wait that's Rosalind. The lady from the memory." Bloom said pointing to a picture of Rosalind, Farah and the girls when they were babies.

"So. Rosalind. Let me guess. You think she was the one who swapped you out in the First World? She was a fierce bitch." Beatrix said

"At the party you said you didn't know who that was."

"You were cagey about the why so i was cagey about the who"

"Well it doesn't matter anyways cause all we found were dead ends." Destiny said looking through pictures

"Except for this" Bloom said pointing to a door

Destiny walked up to a door in the room and tried to open it but was unsuccessful.

"It's locked i have already tried" Bloom said

"Okay so i will unlock it." Destiny said standing back and using her water powers to freeze the hinges and kicked the door open.

"Ok" Bloom said walking through.

The three looked around in the middle was a large circular disc full of sand and maps on shelves around the room.

"I knew Alfea had a military past, but it's still a school. This is like a war room." Bloom said

"It's not like a war room, it is a war room." Destiny said

"Place where shady ass people decide who lives and who dies." Beatrix said using her magic to lift the sand forming a 3d map of Alfea.


Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now