Chapeter 7 ~ Control

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"Not before you left. Have you not seen her?" Sky asked worried

"No. We are worried she's lying in the woods injured or dead." Stella said

They all ran to the greenhouse where Silva, Ben and Dowling were.

"Erm excuse me?" Ben said

"Where's Destiny?" Sky asked

Farah closed her red eyes and nodded her head over to unconscious Destiny.

The four sighed in relief.

"Will she be okay Dad?" Terra asked

"Yes she will be okay as long as they can kill the Burned One that did it." Saul said

"Right, out i will speak to you in a bit." Farah said shoving them out mad closing the door. "Will she be okay Ben?"

Ben sighed "I don't know"

He finished with Saul and because Destiny's cut was smaller than Saul's and was checked on faster than Saul's it wasn't as bad as his but still not good.


Destiny screamed waking up. Farah rushed over to her from the chair she slept in the greenhouse and Saul grabbed a stick limping himself over to her.

"Honey honey whats the matter?" Farah said rubbing Destiny's back

"Erm. W-What happened how am i here i was in the woods outside the barrier."

"Yes we know that a burned one got you and Ben helped you and has managed to temporarily slow down the infection."

"Oh yeah erm can i go to my bed? In my suite?" Destiny asked

"Yes absolutely" Farah helped Destiny to her bed and after lots of persuading Farah finally left. 

Farah had given Destiny crutches and Stella helped her move to Bloom's room.

"Guys quickly think of something don't tell me."

Aisha and Bloom looked at each other weirdly.

"Aisha your thinking about going out for swimming and Bloom oh my god your thinking about a memory that came to you last night. A women saying find me when the time is right." Aisha and Bloom nodded

"What was that for" Aisha asked trying to talk to Destiny who's eyes were glued to Bloom.

"Dezzy?" Stella asked

"B-Bloom" Destiny said


"Erm last night i erm had the same dream well memory i woke up in the greenhouse screaming and erm the lady do you know her?" Destiny asked

"I think she is the fairy that left me in the other world." Bloom said

"Then why did i see her?" Destiny asked

"I don't know" Bloom replied

"Woah whats going on?" Stella asked

Bloom and Destiny explained everything how they had the same vision and both woken up screaming.


"This is so boring" Destiny said sitting on the bench she was told to stay at the seat watching all the specialists train. "Dad at least let me use my magic to throw them off

"No Dezzy you are not doing anything to effect the infection grow so you shall stay here and watch and if you can't follow my orders you will not ever make a good specialist."

Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now