Chapter 10 ~ A visit from the Queen

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"I searched Callum's desk," Farah said holding up a jar of something "I found this in one of the draws"

"What is it?" Saul asked holding it

"Nettle Amalgam. It's a-" Farah said getting cut off

"Fascinating substance." Ben said pouring the Nettle Amalgam in a pot "Now, mercury can stand in both solid or l-"

"Ben" Farah and Saul said in unison

"If someone discovered your trap on the undercroft entrance. They would automatically assume, albeit incorrectly that it would help them defeat it." Ben said

"And your certain. Callum tried to access the door?" Saul asked

"I'm certain someone did, and Callum hasn't been seen in days. That makes him our prime suspect" Farah said walking over to the secret door and shutting it with her magic "But Nettle Amalgam is archaic fairy knowledge. It's uncommon, and Callum was no fairy."

"He had help" Saul said

"If magic was used to breach the undercroft." Farah said

"Well, this will pick up trace elements of the kind of magic used." Ben said hovering a pot around the room with smoke coming out of it. "You can think of it like a sort of magical fingerprint process"

The smoke printed onto something and the three knelt down to see. It was Callum's body motionless against the wall.

"Is that?" Ben asked

"Callum, yes" Farah said

"He was killed by magic" Ben said

Farah sighed. "Well, at least now we know where he went."

"And.. that there is a murderer in our school."


"You haven't found anything?" Bloom asked

"I've only been at Callum's desk for two days, Bloom" Aisha said "Also kinda doing you a favor, so maybe try, grateful"

"Ah come on you didn't take Callum's job for my sake" Bloom laughed

"Weird, cause i remember Bloom-" Aisha said

"Make a helpful suggestion" Bloom smiled.

"...Begging me to volunteer so i could snoop for info on either on your past." Aisha said

"Yeah that sounds like something I might do." Bloom said "But you also might jump at the chance to get brownie points with Miss Dowling"

*cough cough* "Suck up" *cough cough*

"Suck up? Really?" Aisha said "You know suddenly i've lost the ability to read the files."

"Did i say suck up? I meant um i mean really good friend thats pretty and smart and-"

"These files seem to go back to Miss Dowling's start as headmistress. Everything else must be archived somewhere."

"Or shredded because Dowling loves withholding information. Even if i can find a little bit about Alfea back then, maybe i can piece together why Rosalind left me in the first world" Bloom said

"I'll keep looking. Promise. I have to read all the files in this place anyway. Thanks for this by the way. I mean, since you're using it as an excuse not to eat in the canteen, it's the least you could do" Aisha said

"So people are talking about me being a changeling. So what? It's not the weirdest thing about me." Bloom said

"Mm. True. They don't know how loud you snore." Aisha laughed being thrown a grape at by Bloom

"Sup, is Bloom still pretending she's not upset by the gossip?" Musa asked as she and Destiny walked in the office

"Are you still pretending you're not dating your roommates brother?" Bloom said

"Who's pretending what?" Terra asked walking in "Apart from Stella pretending that she's not dreading being outshined by her mum all day"

"Could you enjoy that a little less?" Destiny smiled "You know its hard when she's here"

"You're fine Dess, Queen Luna loves you" Terra replied

Destiny smiled "What's not to like."

The girls laughed and it went quite

"You guys don't have to do this. You don't have to rearrange your breakfast plans just to.. sit with me like i'm some loser mess" Bloom laughed "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm gonna go, uh, finish my poison paper before the assembly. So, i'll see you later." Bloom said shutting the door.

"For the record, she's not fine" Destiny said


"It's one day Stel" Destiny said standing next to Stella "Half a day"

"Half a day of everyone adoring her like she's literally the sun" Stella said

"Well she is the queen of light" Destiny smiled

"This whole Burned One assembly she's doing, I know she's really just here to check on my progress." Stella said

"Did you tell the other girls you needed a buffer? I'm sure Bloom could use the distraction about now"

"I don't need them i've got you" Stella smiled as a car pulled up

The door opened and out stepped Queen Luna.

"Ah Stella you look pretty." Luna smiled

"Hi mum" Stella said hugging her

"Aww Destiny you have grown up so much you look beautiful." Luna said cupping Destiny's face with her hands hugging her.

Destiny gave a 'you can do this' look to Stella who already hated how her mum favoured Destiny.


"Still can't believe she's Stella's mum" Aisha said

"I know right." Terra laughed "Massively powerful fairy, zero ego, boss goals, i bet it drives Stella crazy" 

"Oh it does" Destiny said

"There we are" Queen Luna started as everyone quietened. "I always had a love-hate relationship with assemblies when i was at Alfea. Loved getting out of class, hated being lectured. But i am not here to lecture, i am here to treat you like the adults you are. To talk about the Burned Ones. It's only natural that some of you aren't very interested in what happens to our realm. It has been years since the last one was sighted..."

"Musa" Terra said

"What" Musa said

"What's Stella going through right now? She's miserable right?" Terra asked

"Please wait" Musa said channeling Stella's feelings

Farah walked down the isle of students holding a tube looking around suspiciously.

"What the hell?" Musa said "This assembly isn't just about the Burned Ones. Something else is up."

"Something's happened and clearly it's big." Destiny said

"What did you pick up exactly?" Aisha asked

"Dowling's anxious." Musa said

"Well her assistant did die." Destiny said

"But Silva'a on high alert, too, like there could be a threat anywhere." Musa said

"And my Dad?" Terra asked

"He's scared like uber scared." Musa said

"Earlier he was making something using the stones they use in the vessel. It tracks magic, and now Dowling's got it." Terra said

"Conflict is on the horizon, we are tracking at least five Burned Ones throughout Solaria. The threat is serious, and growing." Queen Luna said

"Five?" Destiny said "What the hell"

"It's time for all of you to pay attention" Luna said

Destiny looked at Aisha, Musa and Terra, all having scared looks on their face.

Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now