Chapter 14 ~ The key

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"Destiny" Shouted a voice.

Destiny turned around to see James walking up to her.

"Oh hi James"

"Listen i wanted to say the other day with the Beatrix thing and the-" James said

"James it's fine. I- it's not your fault. You were given an order and you had to follow threw. I understand."

James smiled "So i was erm thinking do you want to get a drink from the canteen and we can go for a walk."

Destiny looked at her watch. "Yeah. Yeah sure that would be nice."

Destiny and James walked off to get a hot chocolate.


Destiny laughed at something James said, she looked at her watch and her face dropped

"Shit." She said

"What's wrong?" James asked

"Listen you know in movies when they suddenly leave and it's because they aren't have a good time. Well this is nothing like it but seriously i have to go friend stuff this was really nice i will text you later. Thank you for the hot chocolate ." She said running off


"I am so sorry" Destiny said running to Bloom in the stall.

"Where have you been?" Bloom asked

"Sorry but Bloom isn't doing this." Aisha said

"Aisha, listen i know you suck up to my mum but don't be such a goody goody and try to realise we need this." Destiny said

"We?" Terra asked

"Erm no Bloom i said" Destiny said

"No you said we Dezzy. Has something happened?" Terra asked

Destiny looked at Bloom and sighed. "Fine. Right so..."

Destiny proceeded to tell them everything from the birth certificates to Aster Dell.

"No no no" Terra said "My dad would never do something like that. Destiny your parents-"

"Our parents Terra yet another thing our parents have been hiding Silva and Dowling are mine and Bloom's parents." Destiny said

"Sorry but your parents would never ever do such a thing knowing what they were doing. Beatrix is a liar and a murderer." Terra said

"Your his daughter and you're Dowling's little helper. I won't convince either of you, like Sky." Bloom said

"Erm i am not Dowling's little helper. I've been spying on the women for weeks for you."

"What?" Terra asked

"I've seen how hard she's trying. They're all trying to keep us safe."

"They lied to me. They lied to there daughters. They lied about a women being dead for 16 years, about a war-crime!" Destiny said

"I get that you guys believe in them, but they're destructive, maybe dangerous" Bloom said

"Listen to you both. You literally sound like crazy people"

"We haven't told anyone what you two are doing. And if you give us the key, we won't. But if you don't. I don't wanna see you in the cell next to her."

Bloom stepped back and her eyes went red.

"Bloom" Aisha said

"We're your friends Bloom." Terra said scared

Bloom walked to the girls and gave Aisha the key.

"Great. Back to where we started." Destiny said her eyes tearing up.

"I know how hard this must be." Aisha said

"You don't. None of you do" Bloom said as Destiny and her walked off.


"I can't believe everyone is listening to Aisha like she knows everything. You have know idea how hard it has been to keep my mouth shut while the suite go to shit. I mean, I can only break so much" Stella said

"So you're the reason things keeps falling and breaking" Musa said

"I have opinions. And if i can't speak them verbally I'm not above poltergeisting" Stella replied

The two heard the other girls walking back and Stella used her magic to make herself invisible.

"We can put this all behind us and-"

"Where have you been?" Terra asked

"Didn't you get my texts?" Aisha asked

"I did yeah sorry. I was busy and Sam was here and..."

"Ew not in our room right?" Terra asked

"It's OK we stopped Bloom and Destiny. I think they are loosing it" Aisha said holding up the key "I know i said we wouldn't but i wonder if we have to tell Dowling"

Musa looked over to a pot moving slightly. "Don't you dare"

"No i think we should tell her"

The plant pot moved more

"Stella. Has an opinion about that." Musa smiled

"What?" Terra asked

"I refuse to keep cleaning them up, so just tell them." Musa said looking around the room

Stella revealed herself to Terra and Aisha "I have an opinion. Everyone in this damn suite is so black and white. Destiny and Bloom are pain in the asses but they deserve to know who they are. Not the stories the faculty are telling them. Now we can worry about being right. Or we can help our friends. Which is it?"


Farah's phone buzzed.

a text sent from Saul saying

At least 5, maybe 6. Suit up we are going hunting.

Farah placed her phone on the desk and walked over to her trunk with her gear and clothes in.

Suddenly Destiny and Bloom walked into her room.

"Excuse me?" Farah said

"We want to see her" Destiny said "Rosalind"

"I told you. She's-" Farah said

"We know that she's alive. Don't lie again" Bloom said

Farah's phone buzzed again with another text from Saul saying

meet at the yard

"I don't have time for this right now, girls"

Farah started out but Bloom moved in her way and said "I am your daughter. Right?"

Farah's face dropped.

"I know, Destiny knows. We found pictures and birth certificates in the east wing.You gave us up when we were born and you burned down Aster Dell where we were with a family. I know that we are daughters of the King of Elements. We were living in Aster Dell that is until you, Mr. Silva and Professor Harvey destroyed it."

Farah looked at Destiny who had tears in her eyes. Farah turned around with a shocked and frightened look on her face.

"Is it all true?" Destiny asked "How could you do that? How could you give up your daughters. How could you think that killing Burned Ones is more important than people's lives?"

"Do you think that we did it on purpose?" Farah asked

"That's what Beatrix said" Bloom replied "That Rosalind had a crisis of conscience and you did it anyways"

"Rosalind... She's still manipulating people after all these years." Farah said walking to her desk.

"What does that mean?" Bloom asked

"Tell us what happened that day" Destiny said

"That day, i made a mistake." Farah said

Silrah fan fic - Destiny Silva-Dowling daughter of Saul Silva and Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now