Dark Lullaby: Chapter Two-The Notes

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Dark Lullaby-Chapter Two. 

The school was divided into four expansive floors. They were dedicated to freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. All my classes were on the junior floor, so I made my way up two flights of stairs. English Honors was in room 469. I searched each door for the number until I stopped upon it. I turned the knob as quietly as possible so no one inside would notice me, but the door made an unattractive creaking noise.

Thankfully, no one noticed because it was like I walked into a zoo. Whoever the teacher was had not arrived yet. Kids were standing on chairs and tossing paper airplanes. A trio of girls sat in desks near each other and laughed obnoxiously. The desks were arranged in groups of two pushed next to each other. That meant somebody was going to have to sit next to me. Knowing my luck, it'd be someone annoying.

I ducked to avoid an airplane aimed straight at me and slid into the only empty desk. "Take your seats. I'm not paid to run a circus in here," a manly voice called. In less than two seconds, everyone was seated. No one sat next to me yet, but the head in front of me was familiar: Amelia. The desk next to her was empty as well. 

The teacher was a tall man wearing a dark blue suit and red tie. His gray hair was combed to the side, his bangs peeking into his 1980's glasses. He placed a textbook on my desk without a word as he walked to the front of the classroom. "Page 186, class. Double negatives," he commanded. Double negatives? How was this English Honors? More like Honors for fourth graders!

As the teacher opened his mouth, the door opened. I knew because of the loud creaking noise. The Fake Four stood in the doorway, dressed in appropriate looking clothing. Amelia snorted into her hand and I stifled a laugh. "Girls! You're fifteen minutes late; where were you?" the teacher boomed. By now, everyone was snickering to themselves, but our teacher paid no attention.

"We were-" Melanie began.

"Silence. All of you report back here after school for detention."

"This is an outrage, Mr. Cole! My dad will sue you, I swear to gawd! He'll get all his lawyers and-" Melanie protested, stomping her high-heeled boot on the floor.

"If you are not in your seats in five seconds, all of you are serving detention for a month."

The girls shuffled to their seats with their arms crossed and their faces with a pout. Then Melanie's face brightened and sat next to me. I weakly returned the smile, moving my chair away as far as possible. 

Hi Damian! she wrote with pink pen in her notebook. I waved my fingers in a careless attempt at saying hi. She beamed and wrote something back.

English Honors is, like, so boringggg. My daddy got me in here and threatened a law suit if they didn't let me in. But it's sooo hard! What's a superlative, anyway? 

I shrugged silently. What, did she only have a fifth grade education? 

You know, I think you'll fit in, like, sooo easily. You're, like, a male alpha. We should so be a couple since we're both rulers of the school, right?

No, no, and no. There was no way I was going to agree with this. If I wrote nothing back, she'd take it as a yes. So I took her notebook and my pen and scribbled, I have a girlfriend. Those four words would be the only ones that could get her off my back. She pouted and took her pink pen and wrote a reply.

Really? What's she like? She's sooo lucky!

I thought for a split second and wrote the first thing that came to mind. She has straight black hair, pale skin, and these beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

There was no reply and I resisted the urge to smirk. I was free of her obsession over me now that she knew I was taken. In reality, I wasn't taken. Sure, I've been asked before. But they've all been girls like Melanie: rich, obnoxious, and snobby.


The rest of the day was an uneventful blur, and I got ready to go to sleep in my empty house at midnight. School wasn't so bad, especially since things got cleared up with Melanie first period. She didn't speak to me for the rest of the day, thankfully.

It wasn't until I was almost asleep that I realized something. When I was describing my "girlfriend" to Melanie, I'd unknowingly described Amelia.


This chapter was originally supposed to be posted on Saturday, but it wasn't due to technical difficulties. It takes less than a second to vote, so it's not a huge deal. And it'll take ten seconds to post a comment. One second to fan. Mucho appreciato!

Also, no eerie italics today. There wasn't any that really came to mind, but you'll them soon. 

Remember: vote, comment, share, fan. 

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