The musicians started playing some waltz music, something we could actually dance to instead of the calm classical one. Students started to dance.

Francis came back as soon as Amy complained about F. Wreigh not posting today's chapter yet. I looked at Francis, he shrugged his shoulders and told me after she left, "I had no time to write."

"It's fine, she'll calm down in a few minutes."

"Well, then. Will you dance with me?"

"Okay, but I'm warning you, I might mess this up."

"No problem."

He took my hand and we joined the dancing students.

Meanwhile Amy was at the buffet eating and having no other interest in the ball but food.

Francis put one arm around my waist and took my hand in the other as I put my other hand on his shoulder. I paid extra attention and caution to my left arm, it hadn't fully healed yet.

Francis asked, "Is your arm okay?"

"You noticed?"

"Yeah, is it okay?"

I answered, "I got into an accident and a bone broke, it hadn't fully healed since the surgery."

He started being more careful around it as well, trying not to accidentally hurt me.

He asked as we danced and while I was trying so hard not to trip him or myself, "So you said you read my fanfic. What's your favorite chapter?"

"Definitely not chapter seventy-six."

"Which one was that?"

"You don't remember? You ripped out one of the character's insides out in an alleyway in front of his love interest."

"Oh...that one." He chuckled. "Everyone still messages me about it to this day. I turned off my notifications because of it."

"You're too evil."

"Thank you." He asked again, "So what's your favorite chapter or scene?"

"Let me think." I remembered one and said it, "Probably the chapter where (Y/n) (Not you, the one in Francis' fanfic) and her best friend were cornered by the villain's army and they had an epic fight scene."

"Which villain? There are three."

I gave him a questioning look, "But there are only two, what are you talking about?"

"No...I'm pretty sure there are three."

I wanted to face-palm so bad. "Damn you, Francis! You spoiled the fanfic!"

"Sorry, I got my plans mixed up and forgot I didn't write that part yet."

"Three villains are too many, why must you make us suffer?"

"If an angst fanfic can't crush the readers' hearts, then what's the point?"

I took a second before replying, "True. But may I ask how you do it?"

"Crush readers' hearts or write a fanfic?"

"They're the same thing."

"I know, I meant the angst or writing in general."

"Angst and pain and suffering. That's all you write anyway."

Lloyd walked into the gym-ballroom-something-room, glanced at me without even smiling, and went to Cole and started talking to him.

Francis asked me, "Did something happen between you two?"

We stopped dancing and walked to the side out of the dance floor when I answered, "I don't know, he didn't explain why he's mad at me."

Garmadon's Spy | Ninjago x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें