6: Taking it slow

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James's Pov:

I was escorted out of the cell and down the long hall way to the weapons room. A man handed me a pistol, I looked at it for a moment before aiming it at the target in front of me, emptying the mag. I was strapped with knives and other things like ammunition. There was a large verity of guns in front of me that I had my pick of.

"Your target is a old Shield agent." The man I had learned was Captain Hegan told me.

"You will have seven minutes once you get to your drop off to make it to the building where you will be waiting before he exits the agency."

I picked up a gun from the table and looked it over. It was an old War Sniper, one that I recognize faintly.

"Once your target is dealt with you are to make it back to the pick up truck across the city here." Hegan told me pointing to the map in front of us.

I nodded and set my gun down." Now, tell me the plan."

I smile from under may mask before I repeat what he told me." Seven minutes after drop to get to location, after the target has been neutralized I make it to the getaway truck on the other side of the city."

He nodded. I went to turn around and grab a gun from behind me but a guard grabbed my arm. My fight or flight instincts kicked in and I grabbed his arm with my metal one, picking him up and tossing him across the room.

I heard the sound of guns being clicked off of safety as I looked back around. Guns had been drawn on me, making my heart beat quicken.

"He's ready." Captain Hegan said. I was taken out of the room after having picked my gun.

"Make sure he doesn't disappear." Hegan told the Guard that was watching over me, I heard everything like I always did. They acted like I didn't have enhanced hearing.

"You know what I mean." Hegan said, nodding towards me as I was sat down in the truck." I understand." The guard said before climbing into the truck and sitting across from me.

The drive was long, I was hopping to get some sleep on the drive but was always poked or shoved when I was almost asleep.

I felt the truck stop and watched as the back doors opened. I was taken by the arm and drug out of the back of the truck. My feet hit the ground as I looked around. I was in a ally way of some kind. The thick smell of smoke and gas filled the air.

I was handed my gun by a guard and set free.

"You know what to do." I nod and walk away from the truck.

Seven minutes later I was atop the building I had been instructed to go to. I laid down at the edge of the building and looked through the gun scope at the agency. Not long after a man walked out of the building and started to walk down the sidewalk, I aimed and shot, no remorse or fear in me as I pulled the trigger.

Blood shot out of his head and he fell to the ground. People screamed and ran away from the scene. Proud of my work I pull my gun away from the edge and roll over, suddenly I felt like I had lived this already so I stopped. I look around myself fear and pain filling every fiber of my body.

I quickly got to my feet, instantly feeling light headed. What was happening? I look around myself again to see no one but myself and a few birds perching on the edges of the roof. I made my way down the building and to a ally way were I sat down next to the wall as my panic attack hit its peak.

My breathing was heavy and out of control as a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my face disappearing under my mask. My lungs felt like they were going to blow up with every breath I took.

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