1: I Don't Know You

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James's Pov:

I was running through the snow filled forest as fast as I could. Blood was dripping from my right arm and staining the snow. I stopped and hid behind a tree, trying to catch my breath. I looked down at my right arm, seeing the large gash that was placed on my forearm.

"Where is he?" A man yelled in Russian.

I froze. I looked over to my left and saw a armed man, he was wearing all black with what looked to be a red octopus on his shoulder.

"There's blood over here!" Another man yelled

"He couldn't have gotten far. Search everywhere."

The snow started to fall heavily over the forest, filling my tracks with snow.

"Sir, the snow is to thick to see anything out here. We should head back."

"Not without him! We can't leave him out here, fucking find him!"

I was now behind what looked to be a large fallen over tree. I had managed to slip passed the men and found some shelter from the snow storm. I was freezing. I could no longer feel my hand or feet, my whole body was shaking. I didn't know were I was, or why I was even here. All I remember was being dropped out of a truck with a gun and told to shoot the target. I had been told about the man I was killing, he was a U.S agent, someone my handlers didn't want around any longer.

After my mission was completed they had told me to run, so I did, as fast as I could. My arm had been hurt when the man I was sent to kill saw me, I hit him before he had time to pull a gun on me but his guard was fast, too fast. He hit me before I even had a chance to flinch.

"Sir." I heard a man say.

"We need to leave, the men are cold and tiered, if we don't leave we will be snowed in."

I shifted my weight but slid on the wet snow under me, causing me to kick the tree I was hiding behind. I held my breath and closed my eyes as pain surged through my arm and up my shoulder.

" What was that?" Someone asked.

I drew out my knife and held it in my left hand, holding it close to my chest. I heard the snow crack under a foot step, then heard it.

"I found him!"

I sprung up from my hiding spot and grabbed the man by the throat and dug my knife into his neck. Warm blood gushed out of his neck as he started to thrash around.

"Stand down!"

I looked over at a familiar face. The man was holding a pistol in his hand, pointing the gun at me.

"Stand down, I won't warn you again."

I did as he told, letting the now limp body I was holding fall to the ground.

"That's right. Now drop the knife, and we can all go home."

I glared at him, holding the knife tighter. He looked around when I heard more footsteps besides the ones in front of me. I was surrounded.

"Now!" He yelled.

Hands grabbed me from all around, one arm went around my neck and two to my hands, pulling them behind my back, making me fold into submission.

"Pick him up." The captain said.

I was picked up and muzzled. I had gotten used to the familiar smell of the plastic and metal muzzle, it was nice to have on when it was cold out, but they didn't give it to me before because I had to be able to breath on this mission. There was lots of running involved I soon found out.

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