the accident

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I was driving to my job when it happened, I didn't even see the car coming and as it slammed into me the only thing I was thinking about was Rosie.

She was at school, probably eating lunch.

I couldn't leave Rosie, I couldn't not like this, but as I got colder laying in the rubble of my car I didn't seem to have much of a choice.


I opened my eyes gasping, Simon?

I searched for the noise in the darkness, it sounded like Simon but I couldn't see him.
"(Y/n) wake up, you have to wake up for Rosie".

I felt a spark of electricity shoot through me as I opened my eyes for a second time laying in a hospital bed hooked up to all kinds of machines.

Simon standing next to me, holding onto me with his hand firmly a worried look on his face.

I went to ask him what he was doing here but I couldn't speak at all, nothing but air came out of my dry mouth.

He shushed me, and leant down to kiss my forehead.
"You're okay, Rosies on her way you can say goodbye" Simon whispered out.


I scanned the room for anything that could make this a dream, anything at all that could tell me I wasn't really laying on my death bed.

Tears streamed down my face, and I pulled my hand from Simons only to find myself back in that dark void again.

The same spark of electricity found its way to me and I opened my eyes to Simon once again holding my hand.

"You don't have enough energy just by yourself (Y/n) I need you to stay calm".

As Simon stood staring at me, tears also running down his perfect face the door opened to reveal Rosie and my Mother.

Rosies eyes were big and filled to the brim with tears, my Mother worried expression painted her face expertly.

As Rosie approached the bod she looked up at Simon, and he nodded, she placed her tiny hand onto mine and continued letting tears spill.

"Mommy please don't go" her voice cracked as she spoke.

"She doesn't have a choice Rose" Simon spoke to her in a solom tone, trying not to allow his voice to crack or shake.

I knew she would be safe with my mother, its not that.

Its the pain and agony of how I got Rosie, I couldn't leave her here without me.

She would be helpless, defenseless in this world to make the same mistakes I had made.
As I held onto Rosies hand I let go of Simons.

Yet I wasn't back in the void, but I could still see Simon.

Rosie smiled at me, wide eyes as she removed her hand from mine.

The void never came, I was alive and in a month and a half I was back in my house with Rosie.

I didn't understood why I could still see Simon but something told me it wasn't good.

He had done somewhere that he probably shouldn't have, and I was left in the dark as to what it was.

As days passed I realized Simon would never really leave my side.
He was always just around the corner keeping an eye on me.

Soon I grew fond of the attention and being able to see him again was nice.

Stone Cold Fear《Simon Kalivoda》Where stories live. Discover now