maybe we can be happy

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The next few weeks went smoothly, more so then expected.
Simon had been extremely helpful, basically jumping at my ever call to the point it was getting annoying and I needed a break.

If I moved in my sleep, Simon woke me up to see if I was okay, if I go to get up to get something to eat, Simon was there to aid me in my quest.
It was suffocating, which lead me up to my breaking point.

"Baby are you okay? You look pale- let me get you some fruit, do you want fruit? Let me fluff your pillow before I go" the blonde boy reached for the fuzzy grey pillow that sat behind me as I drew on my bed.

My hand darted to grab his before he could touch it,"listen buddy, this isn't gunna work out."
His eyes met mine, he looked panicked more so then he has been, while running around to serve me like a chicken with its head chopped off.

"What isn't gunna work? Whats wrong (Y/n)" his voice made me wanna rip my ear drums out.


But none the less I answered while standing and pitting on my shoes,"it's just I need some space, ive been in here forever and just need some Vitamin D, ill be back before you know it".

Before the golden retriever could respond I was out the door down the stairs and standing in my yard.

Where was I going? I hadn't thought about it but I knew I needed to enjoy my time out.

I just walked where my feet led me and I found myself standing infront of the grocery store, when magically my stomach growled.

God dammit.

I reached my hand in my pocket and pulled out a 20 dollar bill, clutching it like it was the cure to a life threatening disease I walked into the store.

Once again I let my feet lead the way, finding the chips almost immediately, then I grabbed some cupcakes and cookies.

Damn, I hate shopping on an empty stomach.

I was just about to head to check out when I saw the ice cream, it was calling out to me from its frozen prison, and who was I to deny it.

I grabbed a container of my favorite ice cream and headed to the checkout, not allowing my eyes to wander.

Once I was done, I had no money left and a picnic to get to.
I walked in the direction of the park, looking at the children playing on the broken play ground equipment, bright smiles and laughter.

I wonder what me and Simon's kid will look like, it brought a smile to my face.
I was finally going to have a family with him dead or not.

I wonder if it will be a girl or boy, I always wanted a boy but Simon has said multiple times whenever the subject would come up between our friend group he wanted a girl. He always has so I doubt it would change.

Id love our baby regardless but, a little boy running around, no doubt he would have simons golden hair and hopefully those grey green eyes I miss so much.

I sat at one of the swings, getting out my delightful ice cream and the cookies I had bought.

Since I didn't have a spoon, because who carries a spoon on them?
I dipped the cookies into the ice cream, savoring the tasty goodness of the frozen treat.

It felt like such a short time but before I knew it the ice cream and cookies were gone and it was getting dark.


I would hear it when I got home, and not from my mother she had been pulling doubles at her job, so she has been gone all day from 6-12 everyday.

Simon would be foaming at the mouth no doubt, worried sick pacing in the living room waiting for me.

So begrudgingly I stood and made my way home, the walk felt like forever and my legs were beginning to hurt.

Finally I made it to my house, tired and feeling a bit nauseous.

I opened the door to reveal none other than, Mr. Kalivoda.

Looking angry as expected, but when his eyes met mine they softened, the dark pools instead of anger heald relief and most likely many, many, many questions.

"Where have you been?".

Oh here we go.

"Well, Simon, I went for a walk like I said I was going to" I sat down on the couch turning on the TV.

"I just found the grocery store and the ice cream and, oh yeah I brought back a cup cake for you" I handed him the chocolate cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles coating the top.

A smile on my face, before he could argue I decided to change the subject so that way I didn't get an ear full.

"What do you think our baby will look like?".

His eyes went wide and his face lit up, sitting next to me he got all excited.

"Well hopefully we have a girl, ill love them either way but you know I've always wanted a girl." He happily continued with, "I hope they have your eyes, ive always loved your eyes, and I want them to have my glorious good looks" he took his hand and flipped his fake long hair, making me chuckle.

The rest of the night was spent talking about the baby, what we wanted to name them, what they would act like.

Everything was perfect, and eventually I snuggled next to Simon and fell asleep listening to him go on and on about how our kid will always be employee of the month.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer. Thanks for reading!

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