why now?

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Its been roughly two months, im definitely showing now.

A round stomach and bad break outs.
Simon would feel my stomach all the time now, hoping to feel the little guy kick.

Now I said guy, but I really don't know yet. I've been going to the doctor, my mom was so excited, after I got a stern talking to about teen pregnancy.

But it didn't matter as the days approached to my due date, Deena and Sam had tried to cost me multiple times but to no avail.
I wasn't mad at them anymore, I mean if Simon hadn't died none of this would have happened, I wouldn't have my little bean to look forward to, and I surely wouldn't have a very demanding ghost boyfriend.

I was actually starting to warm up to the idea of starting to hang out with them again, but anytime id bring up going to see them or letting them in when they auld sporadically show up at my door, Simon would shoot it down and get all pissy.

So I had ruled off seeing them, well atleast telling Simon about it.
It was one of those times when he was running around worried sick about me even though I was just fine and eating donuts on the couch.

"Are you sure your okay?" The blonde boys worried tone shot at me.

"Yes Si I'm fine I promise, im actually feeling great, I think ill go for a walk and get some fresh air it'll be good for the baby" the excuse was good, and technically it would be good for the baby- and my sanity, if I got out for a little bit.

After one more donut I got up and tried to get dressed as quickly as I could.
Before leaving I gave Simon a quick kiss, "I'll be fine".

"I trust you, (Y/n). Just don't exert yourself" he calmly stated, sitting done on the couch and turning the channel on the TV to some weird cartoon.

On the walk to Deena's my throat was dry, I was nervous and my palms were sweating.
Simon would throw a fir if he found out, but I just needed someone other then my over excited mother, and a 24/7 babysitter thats supposed to be my boyfriend.

I swear, you'd think I would be the one worried sick but Simon puts all my worries to shame.

I approached the house slowly, trying to figure out how to make my face look calm.

I'm sure it looked absolutely horrid the way I kept contouring my face trying to find a calm friendly smile.

I lifted my hand to the door quickly knocking, hoping deep down that she didn't answer.
But in no time the curly hair girl stood in front of me.

"Hey (Y/n), I haven't seen you in forever", Deena gave me a hug which I returned.

Slowly but surely.

"Uhh,,,,yeah I've just been kinda depressed since-" she cut me off quickly.

"Simon, yeah I know I miss him too, im so sorry" I smiled at her, trying to make my eyes look sad knowing that Simon was waiting for me at my house probably finishing off my donuts.

She looked at my stomach in all its glory, "are you...?".

I smiled widely, nodding my head up and down.
She smiled but I seemed more confused and kinda upset.

"With who?" , the question was expected, but that doesn't mean I had though of an answer.

I froze, I couldn't say Simon and if I said any one else she would spread the word and find out I was lying.

"I don't know" I weakly said, I sound so stupid- i don't know- yeah sure you only let them screw you.

"After Simon....passed i kinda threw myself off the rails, its still kinda blurry"my words sounded convincing I think, but iys better then nothing.

Deena nodded and we continued some banter here and there, before finally calling it quits and I walked home.

As I walked up the path way to my house I saw that my moms car was there.

Simon would probably be in my room but why was my mom home early?

The question was on the tip of my tounge as I unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

"(Y/n) there you are, where have you been?" My mother questioned as she rushed me to sit on the couch.

"Just went to go see a friend" I smiled.

My mothers warm aura showed as she smiled back, "Mitchell?" She questioned hopefully.

Ever since I had told her I was still pregnant she had been under the impression it was Mitchell Hammonds.

I guess now was as good as any time to break the news to her.

"No mom, i don't like Mitchell, why would I go see him?" .

Her face looked confused, "he is the father-" before she could finish I blurted out the words that were on my mind.

"He isn't, its Simons, ive never been with anyone like that but Simon" to add "and I was at Deena's".

I walked up the stairs praying that Simon didn't hear that part about Deena but no doubt, him and his nosey ass did.

As I opened the door to my room the blonde boy sat on my bed hands tangled in his hair.

Looking dazed and out of touch, he didn't respond to me opening the door, which was odd he usually rushed to me to ask a million questions.

But he looked almost ill, I quickly rushed over to him placing my hands on him which seemed to snap him out of his trance and back into reality.

"Baby, your back?" He looked out the window into the now darkness of the sky.

"How long has it been?" His confused tone was making me slightly scared.

"Its been hours Simon, are you okay?" My hands traced comforting circles on his hand as I sat next to him on my bed.

"Yes just, tired for some reason" his stare was hiding something, and I was un sure of what.

His hands soon shot to my stomach as he cooed and gushed over me and the bump.

He was trying to hide something, even the air felt off in the room, what I was unsure of.

Did it have anything to do with the baby?


Short chapter i know, im trying my best with school and all to get the chapters out as fast as I can! Love you people.


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