the damned

181 8 9

Tw: suicide attempt, and mentions of death.

I sat there, staring at the wall, the stain from the polish was still there.

It had been about a Month and I hadn't seen Simon at all, I was loosing myself again, I stayed up most nights crying, I knew he could hear me.

I knew he was there, somehow somewhere in the corners and shadows watching me to male sure I don't do anything stupid, I could smell him, the soft woody fragrance filling my nose.

I would call out to him at any chance I got, just a simple "please", or " I love you" but to no avail.
It was as if my pleading had no affect on him, I would feel whispers of a touch on my face when my eyes were closed, or a soft kiss on my neck when I was standing alone in my room, but he would never stay so I could see him.

I didn't know how much longer I could take this, and I knew Simon probably felt the same way.

I grasped the blade in my hand, it slightly burrowing into my skin, i gasped as the blood fell dripping down my hand.

"Don't" I heard from the corner.

I turned but Simon was no where to be found, looking back at the blood the events from that night flooded back into my memory.

"Please just come back Simon" I whispered.

The blade found a place on my arm slashing away at the skin, a burning sensation lighting my skin on fire.

"Stop" I heard him, I could smell him but, he was no where to be seen.

I continued my violent assult on myself, blood was dripping on to my sheets and puddling on my crossed legs.

As I raised the blade the sink into my wrist, a pale cold hand shot out and grasped my wrist.

"Fucking stop, what the hell are you thinking" he screamed.

I smiled, "You're here".

"Of fucking course i am, I- what were you thinking" he squeezed my write causing me pain.

He threw my hand down and started looking in my night stand for band aids.

"You won't find any, we ran out last week." The blood loss making me loopy.

Just then I realized how much I had accually shed, crimson soaking my bed no doubt staining not only the sheets but the mattress.

"No, i have to stop the bleeding" he was suddenly gone, I couldn't comprehend where I was my eyes rolled back and I layed down.

Slipping in and out of conscience, I saw a blurry image of Simon grabbing my arm and desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"Please no, come on (Y/n) stay awake" his cold hands fast at work.

I smiled at him, " you know Kalivoda, you're intoxicating".

"(Y/n) baby please"

As he frantically tried to stop the bleeding in some way I reached out and touched his face stopping him in his tracks.

"I love you Simon Kalivoda, so much I would die for you".

His eyes had a look of realization cross over them and his hands stayed at work, stopping the gushing red liquid from exiting my body.

"You don't have to, you don't, not yet (Y/n) " his pleas  were floating in the air, like the cold but warm air on a foggy day.

His eyes pooling with phantom tears, as I closed mine, and together we were one .
Once again it was me and Simon, alone in my room, but this time we were both cold.


I awoke to the scent of Simon, I was wrapped in my blanket somehow perfectly white, the warmth alarming me.

"Come on (Y/n) seriously red is a much nicer color then green."

"No Simon, green is so pretty, its the color of trees and grass and......... your eyes" the words left my mouth without me realizing it.

He smiled and laughed " you trying to tell me you think my eyes are pretty (L/n)?".

I smiled rembering the conversation, "yeah I guess I am Kalivoda, got a problem with it?" I cocked  my eyebrow.

"Absolutely" he said pulling me in to a kiss.

As he pulled back we were standing at the park.

"(Y/n) we should head home its late, and I want to be able to walk you home before I head back" Simon said.

"Well let's get to walking then" i laughed out as I enter twined our hands.

Walking down the side walk as the sun set me and Simon talked casually, the feeling of the sun on my skin feeling fake.

Suddenly everything went dark, and I felt like I was falling, my heart beating fast.

My heart?

I gasped for air, "come on baby please wake up, come back to me", Simon's face was contorted into a look of sorrow.

Cold tears falling from his eyes.
My breathing was slow and heavy, and I was cold.
We made eye contact and he let out a sigh, realization hit.

"Simon am I dead?" I struggled to get the words out, my throat was dry and scratchy.

He laughed and put his hands on his head, I looked at the stains of my blood that was on his hands and shirt.

"You almost did" his voice was shaky and his eyes were still panicked.

"Why? Why would you do that, do you know what I would have done if I would have lost you?" It seemed like he wanted to be angry but couldn't find it in him at the moment.

I just sighed to the best of my ability and coughed out "I lost you".

Simon stared at me, in disbelief, "(Y/n) I'm right fucking here, if you haven't noticed I defied the laws of death to stay by your side, is that not fuckinc enough for you" his words weren't angry but hurt.

"I hate hurting you, you say when I'm around it brings back the memories, but when I'm not you try to kill yourself?, this makes no since, how am I supposed to protect you".

I slowly turned my head to face my wall, looking at the stain of the polish.

The room was silent, his questions still lingering, so I said the only thing I could think to say to him.

"Because we're soulmates".

I looked back at him and he looked at me.

"Separated by death, you always said you admired Shakespeare Simon, so why can't I be your Juliette?" 

He leant down and placed a cold chaste kiss on my lips.

"Because hamlet is my favorite".

Authors note here, please read.

Hey guys, I know this chapter is a bit much but I just wanted to say thanks for the support.
The next few chapters will probably be more light hearted, if you have any ideas you wanna pitch to me for something in the story or anything feel free to leave a comment!

Author-chan out ♧◇

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