the days to follow

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It had been a month since my encounter with Simon, days since the deaths of our child and it was safe to say I felt empty, but not in the normal way.

My body felt full, my life had accually been looking up. I still morned the loss of what could have been, and I missed Simon I don't know why but...I did.

I had been gaining a lot of weight, but I figured it was my recently picked up odd eating habits, I've assumed are from stress.
I sat in my room, doodling on my sketch pad a field of flowers.

The field of flowers I had dreamed of before, the most beautiful field you could imagine, except this time there was no Simon Kalivoda standing there.
Just the wild flowers scattered across the ground.

Suddenly a breeze wafted through my window, carried through my room to my nose filling me with familiar scent of Simon.

I stood up from my place setting down my sketch pad a pencil, carefully walking to the window to shut it.
My fingers latched around the lock quickly locking the window and flicking the curtains closed.

The light was now dim, the only source being my tiny lamp, but something was off.

I was being watched, could it be?


He wouldn't dare, he didn't want me, he wasn't here.
I need to move on.

I walked back over sitting down on my bed and continuing my sketch, when a felt something brush against my arm.

I looked around, searching for something that wasn't there when Suddenly the door to my room opened and my bright eyes mother walked through the door.

"(Y/n) I'm headed to work now, don't forget to call back the Hammond boy he seems fond of you" she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes getting up and walking to her, "yes yes of course mom, anything for you and Mitchell".

As I shut the door to my bed room and heard my motgers car start and drive away I felt uneasy.

Extremely uneasy.

"(Y/n)" I heard whispers, calling to me from the dark.

I felt cold hands ravel around me like vines, holding me tightly.

The cold felt so wrong, to cold, giving me frost bite just from the touch.

"Get out of my house" I said, trying to keep my composure.

The hands grew tighter, before letting go. I walked over to my bed and turned around to face him.

Simon stood in all his glory, perfectly preserved from the last time I had seen him, his dark eyes on me, as regret swirled in them, his stone cold pale skin was icy just to look at, and his face was almost unreadable, but I could see the sadness mixed into what was a forced calm.

He didn't speak, he couldn't, what did he have to say to me?

"What do you want?" I called, closing my eyes for a second to keep back tears i didn't realize was forming.

"Please, please forgive me (Y/n)" his facade cracked allowing the remorse to fight its way through and shine brighter then the sun.

I felt sorry- almost.

As my hand came up to my neck feeling the sorness of where his ice cold hand had been the month prior.

I straightened my composer and tried to calmly speak the words I knew were against what I wanted.

"No" my voice was harsh, but harsh toward me, not him.

In truth I wanted nothing more then to kneel at his feet and beg him to love me, because truthfully with no ounce of regret I love Simon Kalivoda and I always will, I was fated to love him till the day I die the second I met him.

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