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The Probability, that you will meet your soulmate is 1 in 10,000, oddly enough although my luck is not something to brag about, I found mine.

Days go by, autumn turned to winter, winter to spring.

Was it already spring?

Turning on the news, I glanced at the date it said it was April, 18th.

It was hard to belive 6 months had come and gone, leaving me wasting away in my room most days.

It was like something snapped back into place when I glanced at that date, something that was knocked out when Simon died.
It had been 6 months, I had sat in my room for 6 months, I had stayed in my house for 6 months. I had a few outings but for the most part I had stayed put.

I ran up the stairs to my room, slamming the door, my heart racing fist balled I let a angry tear slide down my cheek.

6 fucking months.

No wonder my mom was worried, she had recently suggested I go see a therapist, although I had turned down the idea thinking it preposterous it all made since now.
In a second the male was at my side, saying soothing words into my ear.

But my blind rage wouldn't be settled, it refused to put out the raging fire.

"Its been six months Simon" I yelled at him.

"Six fucking months" my voice was harsh and cold.

Simons eyes fell, staring at the floor he nervously shifted his eyes from the floor to me.

"I've sat in my room for six months" I whispered out, tears now rolling.

His cold had raised up to my cheek, wiping the tears away as he stared me dead in the eyes now.

"I just want you to be happy, tell me what I can do".

With that one sentence, he had me back in his hold.
Whatever had went back into place snapped back out, turning off the light that shined on my predicament.

My eyes lifted to his from where they fell, as I raised up and planted a kiss on simons lips, cold and chased, tasting faintly of honey and dirt.

My hands dove into his hair holding it in a tight grasp, as if not to let him slip away, I could, no I wouldn't let him leave again.

My hands slid down to the him of his shirt, tugging at it telling him in a simple way what I wanted.

Usually Simon would have pulled of not only his shirt but mine as well, but he stopped.

Frozen in time he stood, and muttered one word.


It wasn't stern or demanding, not even a hint of any emotion i knew.
My face fell, as I looked at him with a confused expression.

"You don't have to have sex with me to make me stay with you, (Y/n), im not leaving" he ran his hands through my hair.

"I'm not- I would never" I stammered to find the words.

"I know you, I'm not letting you fuck me when your brain is clouded, its basically the same thing as if you were intoxicated in my book, and of there is one thing Simon Kalivoda isn't, its a rapist".

If there is one thing Simon Kalivoda isn't, it's sane.

No, if there is one thing he isn't, it's alive.

I sighed and looked down, defeated by his words that were true in a sense.
Suddenly a idea popped in my head.

"Do you remember the day we first met?" I said smiling up at him.

His eyes lifted, at the change of tone and conversation, I suppose he was happy for once he was happy I cheered myself up.

"(Y/n), if I didn't I'd be the worst boyfriend on the planet" he laughed at his own words, which is honestly such a Simon thing to do, I think he laughs at his jokes more then anyone else.

"Could you tell it to me, from your point of veiw?" I sat on the bed, patting the spot next to me for him to sit.

"Yeah sure" he still stood, in the center of my room.

Before he could continue the story I patted the spot beside me again.

"Sit your tooshie mister".

Of course he just rolled his eyes and took his seat next to me.

"Me and Deena were at the park, playing tag, That day Deena had convinced me to go an hour early from our usual time" he smirked a bit looking at me, "and now im pretty happy she did, I had always watched you, not in a weird way but I just liked you"

"You're hair, you're eyes, you always sat by yourself which I found weird considering you were such a interesting person, I was to shy to say anything but Deena knew you a bit so she told me pretty much everything I knew about you at that point. How your favorite color is (F/c), and your favorite smell is strawberries".

He smiled at me, and I returned the gesture holding onto his hand.

"Me and Deena were playing tag, since most of the old equipment was being played on already, I remember I saw you and was scared to run by the swings for a bit. I didn't want to disturb your peaceful humming as you looked at the sky, swinging back and forth"

"Deena ran toward the swings, and my heart beat was probably going 2000 miles per hour, I wasn't paying attention, just focusing on getting passed you, when you hit me with the force of a thousand men and killed me on the spot".

He fell back onto my bed and stuck his tounge out in a attempt to play dead,"oh it wasn't that bad you cry baby" I rolled my eyes, secretly smiling to myself.

"Then wouldn't you know, I opened my eyes to see a goddess staring back at me, and in the moment I realized, Simon Kalivoda, if you let this one go you're just as stupid as (Y/n) is at math".

I slapped his chest in a playful manner, before he pulled me down next to him.

"I love you Mrs.Kalivoda"

I smiled, "I love you too, Mr.Kalivoda"

And as I stared into his eyes, I felt myself sink into insanity once more.

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