the void

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Me and Simon were in a field, laying down letting the sun hit our skin.

His eyes were back to being a beautiful greenish gray, and his face was so lively.
His touch was warm and soft,as we lay there the sky suddenly darkened.

Clouds of grey and black coated the sky, I tuned to tell Simon we should probably leave before we got soaked, but he want there distantly in the field I could see figure, it was the killer who had sunken his axe into Simon's head.

I yelled out for Simon to warn him of the on coming danger, where ever he was. As I got up, I looked to see Simon right in front of me staring at me with cold eyes.

I was panicked trying to explain that we needed to leave when the axe hut his head.


I awoke to the bed beside me being empty. No longer being occupied by my cold friend.

I was saddened, but relived Simon was not here to see the river of hot tears flowing freely from my eyes, my head was pounding, a horrible banging as of I had hit my head on the wall a million times.

I had, a metaphorical wall I had build for myself, that wall being the one I had barricade between me and the living.
I looked at the clock, it was 2 PM, I needed to go somewhere. But I didn't know where, I just knew I needed to leave.

I got out of my bed and threw on some close, nothing fancy just normal everyday clothes.
I went to my bathroom and brushed through the tangled mess that I called my hair, it was greasy and matted so it took a while, I made a mental note to shower when I got home.

I grabbed my bag, a small black purse Simon had gotten me for my birthday one year. I walked down the stairs and was met with my mother.

She didn't say a word just smiled at me before I walked out of the door.
I think she knew I still didn't feel like speaking, at least to her.

The sun against my skin felt wrong, as if I had went to a different planet.
I begrudgingly walked down the side walk, towards the parks.

Shadyside Park, the place me and Simon met when we were 10.
We had went to school together for years but had never spoken somehow.

Me and Simon's first meeting was odd, but I wouldn't change it if I could.
It was perfect the way me and the blonde boy had met, I was swinging on one of the rust swings, making a God awful screeching noise, without warning Simon ran infront of me chasing after Deena, I kicked him hard enough to send him hurdaling a few inches away.

I came to an abrupt stop, running towards the boy, Deena already standing next to him.

As I stood next to him his eyes met mine and he smiled, "I must be dead Deena" he said.

Deena rolled her eyes knowing what was coming next.

"Because I see a angel".

He had always beena flirt, but 10 year old me feel for him instantly, and According to a certain blonde bastard, so had he.


Rembering the event made me happy for a moment, after that day me and Simon were inseparable, Deena was always a third wheel.

I sat down on the squeaky swing, and took out my sketch book doodling random things, as I thought about other memories I had with Simon.


I was 14 and Simon was freshly tuned 15 since his birthday came before mine.

He had applied for a job at the Shadyside Super Market, although nothing about Shadyside was super.
It had been about two weeks he had been working, he worked non stop so I hadn't seen him much.

It was the longest time period I had ever went without seeing him.

I understood of course, he had to help feed his family. So I didn't complain, but today was his day off, and he had promised to spend the day with me.

Around 12:30 he knocked on my door, I opened it trying not to look to excited. I yelled to my mom I was leaving with Simon. He smiled at me, and took my hand as he led me out of my house.

He didn't tell me where we were going, all he said was, "trust me (N/N), your going to love it".

He was right of course I did. He took me to the one shitty diner we had in town, he got us one milkshake to share, it was the most cheesy thing Simon had ever done, but then again Simon himself was cheesy.

We joked and laughed, and at the end of the night we sat in his room listening to music, his hand found mine as he got close to me.

Looking me in the eyes he said, " I love you".

He kissed me for the first time, and it was just as everyone expects their first kiss to be,magical.

After he pulled away he smiled at me, running his hand up my leg.

"Promise you'll never leave me",I whispered to him.

"I promise (Y/N)".

That was a promise he had kept, even in death.


It was getting late so I packed up my sketch book and pencils and walked home, I ran up the stairs and sighed as I opened the door to my room and turned around as I closed and locked it

"Where have you been" Simon said, standing behind me.

I turned spooked at the sudden appearance of the boy.

"I was at the park" I said setting down my purse and going in to kiss him, he gladly returned my gesture, pulling me in even more.

"I need to shower, you can stay in here" I said.

Simon laughed and shook his head, "nah I'd rather come with you if you don't mind", of course classic Simon.

I just nodded and grabbed some clean clothes, as I ran across the hall, sneaking Simon across with me I rushed to lock the door.

As o turned to Simon, he was already fixing the water, and I was ready once more for his cold skin to hit mine.

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