1. The Beginning

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“Yeah yeah I get it, it's time to wake up” I said to my alarm as I turn it off for no reason because it can’t hear me.

My eyes blinked slowly and painfully as they adjusted to the light coming from the window. I sat up and quickly cleaned the dry saliva falling from my mouth.

“Dionne you really should change your alarm song, that music is awful!” Clarissa exclaimed disgusted in her still prominent british accent, even if though she had only live in England for like 1 year and half, as she enter my room dressed with the same boring clothes she uses every fucking day.

My eyes snapped to her and before I could protest how they should stop annoying me, a voice interrupted me.

“She’s right, that's not how you kids should talk” Said Thomas as he also enter my room, straightening his tie. His hair was neatly wiped down his neck and his sharp mustache danced as he talked.

Clarissa had a similar style, she wore her suit and a pencil skirt for work. Her hair was in a bun on top of her head.

“Oh fuck off” I complained, pushing them out of the door much to their prostest. I groaned as my back slided down the door.

Now let's stop here, you should probably be wondering what the fuck is going on well let me introduce myself, my name is Dionne Dixon and I'm 16, that two dickfaces are Clarissa and Thomas Miller they are my adoptive ‘parents’, I guess you could say that. They're not the best parents but I'm not the best child either so I shouldn't complain. You probably already figured that we don't really get along, I just accepted living here because this house it’s better than the orphanage. On the other hand, the people living are not. I bet that they will leave me in a few days or a month.

But let's not talk about them, they might reappear if I talk too much of them and we don't want that. Anyways, I was left in the orphanage at age of 3 so I don't remember anything about my mom and dad but I have one special memory of them. We were in a house that looked more like a castle and they were trying to catch me. They were beautiful, my mom had brown hair with natural waves, they looked so good on her, and eyes colored a mixture of blue, green and brown. My father had black hair and blue eyes with several segments of various colors. I don't know how I remember this, it's like somebody put it in my head for me to never forget.

Back to the present, I got out of the bed and  the bathroom to shower and do my business. After I undress I look at myself in the mirror and just stare at my body. I have a skin with a little tan, long black hair that went down to my waist, blue eyes just like my dad and an amazing curvy body that would make any boy 'kneel before me' like Sister Dorothy said. I miss her, she was incredible. But she was right, I have a amazing body with a C cup, a flat stomach, the thinner waist and I was tall like 5'4"

I entered the shower and started washing my body and hair with my cherry-scented shampoo and then I dried myself with my red towel and went to pick out my outfit for the day.

I went into my closet and started looking for the perfect look in my cabinets full of red clothes. I forget to say I've an obsession with red and cherries. I love cherries.

When I finished putting on my sneakers I went to pick my bag and paused in front of my snake terrarium, her name is Leviathan

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When I finished putting on my sneakers I went to pick my bag and paused in front of my snake terrarium, her name is Leviathan. You're probably wondering how the fuck my adoptive parents let me have a snake, I may or may not have threatened them that if they don't let me have her I would talk to Satan and tell him to put them in hell. They think because I swear and already punch someone I have a connection with him. He probably is laughing at us right now. Well I am.

"Hey Levia, how are you?" I ask my corn snake. Lol corn snake who even invented that name like fucking corn snake.

"Good but it's not like you can hear me" A voice responded. Wait. What? I glanced around with my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Who said that? Oh please don't tell I've a stalker living in my room" I murmured annoyedly, looking around the room. My eyes scanned every corner trying to find a person, anything at this point without success.

"You can hear me? Zz That never has happened before" Said the voice again, then I looked at Levia to see she had a curious expression on her face. I think, it's a little hard to tell.

"The fuck" I exclaimed as I try to compreend how the hell I am talking with my pet. I'm pretty sure I look like an open-mouthed lemur with a surprised appearance.

"Okay it's cool that you can hear me, let's not think too much about it, we can just accept it," Leviathan stated . Wow, she's more mature than me.

"Wait. You are a female right?" I questioned. I hope she/he/they is/are.

"Yes I am" She assured me.

"About accepting, let's do that" I said when I looked at my phone to see that I'm 5 minutes late and I have to walk to school for more than 15 minutes.

"Goodbye" She said I responded with a muffled bye because of the oreos I put in my mouth.

As I walk, scratch that, run to school I think of what just happened. I fucking talk to my fucking snake, ok calm down Dionne follow the advice that Levia gave to you WHEN YOU WERE TALKING TO HER. While I was thinking I didn't even notice I had been pushed to the floor by the one and most annoying person on Earth.


What is she doing here? I bet she is ditching class because she can, apparently being the daughter of a rich guy who donates money to the school, have that as a benefit.

"Well, if it isn't the freak" She said, even her voice is annoying. Her lemurs giggle. I call them that because 1) They two are in groups 2) Lemurs use screams to communicate with each other and they do that too 3) Both are 'territorial' over something in the case of the lemurs and boys in their case. But the most important Stephany would be King Julien so...

I think I have a little obsession with lemurs to be honest.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" The girl on the right asked, laughing quietly. I took a deep breath to control my anger.

'Nah I don't talk to lemurs. Thank you very much for the offer though' I thought, laughing at my own joke. Not gonna lie, it gave me some satisfaction.

Their laughs immediately stopped and King Julien walked in my direction "What did you say?" She shouted. My eyes widened as my mind processed that I am completely screwed. The people got out of the classroom because I suppose they heard Stephany's scream.

"I say that I don't talk to hysterics" What? If I say what I originally said they wouldn't understand. They are not the smartest, especially Stephany.

Talking about Stephany, her face was getting super red. I was imagining how we can see her face color since she has so damn makeup on when she bitch slapped me. It didn't even hurt which was weird cause she gives hard slaps, believe me.

"Talk to me like that again and you're gonna receive way worse than that slap" She threatened and I surprised everyone. I smirked and shook my head.

I don't usually talk to her so saying no to what she says it's weird. Really weird.


So the first chapter. I hope you guys like it, I surely do and I think that's it. Until next chapter, I guess.

Xoxo, Mads 💋

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