"I see you, very peculiar" the lady had a cold underlying expression in her voice.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You remind me of someone, who once knew a lot." With that she had vanished away.

"Ghost" Lia rolled her eyes as she continued her walk.

Walking on the grounds in the cold air, felt slightly peaceful.

"The grey lady has mentioned you before" came a sweet, airy voice from behind.

Turning around, she saw Luna Lovegod. She was 4th year Ravenclaw, icy blonde hair that reminded Lia of Draco and blue eyes.

"Luna Lovegod" Lia addressed the girl coolly.

"Hello Cordelia Black"

Luna moved past her and raised her arm with raw flesh in it to something not too far away from Lia. That's when she felt it. The cold air on her head.

"You can see them? Thestrals...." Lia trailed off.

"Yes," Luna nodded at her.

"What did Helena have to say about me?" Lia quizzed softly as she stared at Luna.

"Nothing much of interest, just how you reminded her slightly of a boy named Tom" Luna stated nonchalantly.

"Tom" Lia felt her eyes go wide.

Tom Riddle.

But there could be some other Tom, Lia told herself.


For the next few days, Lia tried to find the grey lady but she couldn't. She almost had someone dock some points from Gryffindor, because she was breaking into the Ravenclaw common room, but being a prefect had its advantages.

It was the Valentines day, which put Lia in a slightly foul mood because she had to decline Harry's offer for a date, due to Quidditch practices.

But that didn't stop Harry from getting a heated Valentine kiss, as they talked about Harry's D.A. meetings.

"We'll soon move to patronus" he told her after they stopped kissing and had Lia sitting against him.

Lia had brought Harry to the prefects bathroom with the map and the cloak. It was empty. So a safe space to talk about anything.

"Ah, nothing I can't do" Lia mocked Harry as she nodded.

"What's your patronus?" Harry questioned with amusement.

"Oh, I'm not telling you that" Lia huffed, her cheeks turning red.

"What? Why? You know mine" Harry complained as he looked at her with a small frown and pout.

"Mine's a bit funny" Lia smiled at the boy in front of him.

"I won't tell anyone,"Harry tried again.

Leaning in, so she could whisper into his ear, Lia told him, "Pine Marten"

Harry looked at her with an 'awe' expression, as he hugged her close again.

"That's so cute!" He attacked her face with kisses, which made her squeal and laugh.

Their moment was interrupted by a "meow" they knew very well.

"Wish they hadn't cured her from her petrified stage" Lia sighed as they got under the invisibility cloak.

Lucky for them, they had made it to the common room with ease.

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