Fíli and Kíli - Perfect

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You cleared your throat before you buried yourself under your blankets again, pulling your feet off Fíli's lap in the process. "I'm not hungry."

Fíli and Kíli shared another look. This was very unlike you, normally you wouldn't even think about refusing food. They both got to their feet and went to sit on either side of you, each of them throwing an arm over your shoulders.

"Okay, out with it, little lady," Fíli urged you to talk. "There's clearly something wrong and we won't leave until you tell us."

You blinked a few times, hesitant to confide in your two best friends. They probably didn't understand how you felt or would say you had no reason to feel this way.

Kíli called your name and hugged you with the arm thrown around you. "You know you can trust us, right?"

"I do, I do trust you, it's just... " You sighed. "Do you think I'm too big?"

"Well, you are of the race of Men so it's not unusual for you to be taller than all of us," Fíli began, not knowing why being taller than them would bother you all of a sudden.

"Although, you and I don't differ much," Kíli laughed, patting your head. "You're not that tall for a human."

"I'm not talking about my height," you argued, clutching the blankets a little firmer. "Do you... Do you think I'm fat?" Your voice broke at that damned word, your chin started quivering again. The words of those horrid Dwarrowdams echoed in your mind.

"What? Where did you get that idea?" Kíli gasped, bolting upright.

"It doesn't matter, it won't happen again because I'm never going back there. Next time I need new dresses, I'll be sure to go to Dale."

Fíli quickly realized what had happened. You mentioned before that you needed new dresses and he suspected that the girls at the dressmaker's weren't very welcoming to you. He mentally kicked himself, they should've come with you.

He placed his free hand on your cheek and turned your head so you had no choice but to meet his eyes. He said your name with a stern voice, before he added, "I don't know what was said to you, but trust me when I say that you are perfect the way you are. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

"That's easy for you to say," you sniffled, "you're gorgeous and in perfect shape. Yes, Kíli, you too," you added before the youngest Durin brother could protest, "no one would even think twice to offend you."

"They had no right to treat you like that," Kíli spoke, his jaw tense. He knew first-hand how it felt to be mocked and he hated for you to go through the same thing. Fíli nodded, pulling a knife out of his vambrace before he started twirling it. "Who do we need to kill?"

You smiled through your tears, you could always count on them to make you feel better. How could you even think they wouldn't understand how you felt? They really were your best friends, acting like your older brothers most of the time and you loved them for it. Except for that one time where you were finally approached by the cute vendor in Dale and Fíli and Kíli scared him away. Older brothers indeed.

"Even though the idea is very tempting, you won't have to kill anyone. I know better than to listen to them but that doesn't mean their words didn't hurt me."

"I'm sorry you had to deal with them, mimûna. You are so strong. We know that, you know that and they do too. So they try to hurt you by using your insecurities against you." Fíli shoved the knife back in its place and stood up from the longchair, holding his hand out for you to help you up.

"Don't let them get into your head, it's what they want. Fíli was right - yes, shocking I know, don't get used to it - but you are perfect. They only say those horrible things because they can't deal with how amazing you are. It doesn't matter what you weigh, what size of clothes you wear or what you eat, it's what's in here that counts," Kíli said, prodding his finger into your chest, "not the package."

You swung your arms around the brothers and pulled them into a hug. "Since when did you become so wise? Thank you both for making me feel better."

"Did you hear that, Fee? She called me wise!"

Fíli gave his brother a playful shove. "I believe she meant both of us, nadadith."

"She clearly meant just me!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

As the brothers kept fighting, trying to decide which one of them was the wisest, you tiptoed to the window and grabbed the plate of food, silently thanking your two princes for taking such good care of you. They were idiots at times and they could annoy you to no end, but their hearts were always in the right place. 

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