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Ok guys, here it is. The "unofficial" manual that will help you write better! I'm going to TRY and discuss everything as briefly and painlessly as possible so we can move past this painful "growing stage" and start perfecting our stories.

Ok, so first thing first. Why in the world did I feel the need to take time out from writing my own stories in order to write this "manual"? Phew. Mouthful!

What really, REALLYYYY bothers me, is that sometimes I *LOVE* the idea behind a story, but not so much how it's being executed. Whenever I read a good plot, I'm all on board, ready to go, curling up somewhere cozy, flipping open the book, and then... dud. UGH! A missile fires! A cat screeches! Nails scrape down a chalkboard! So frustrating! I laugh. I cry. I cringe in utter horror....

I'm not here to bash other people and make them feel bad so I can secretly feel better about myself and sleep better at night. No.

I'm here because I genuinely want to help others to do what they love, but in a better way! I know how frustrating it is when you want to get an idea across but it just doesn't seem to want to come out. Been there, done that! I call it "underdeveloped writing". Notice I didn't say "bad" or "horrible". Again, I'm not here to bash. So anything that I wouldn't throw away is categorized into something that's "fixable", meaning "underdeveloped". Ya' dig? *wink*

Now, I don't have a degree in writing. I'm not an acclaimed author or the world's best writer. And I don't work for Wattpad. But what I do know is that I personally use these tips when I'm writing my own stories, and I'm glad to share them with you! I encourage you to use anything that might help and discard whatever you don't need. It's not a bible after all, just a help manual!

Here are the sections of this booklet, ordered by chapter sequence. I don't recommend reading ahead or skipping any parts, but it is your prerogative!

1: Organization

2: Learn Your Vocabulary

3: Be Inspired

4: Hit the Pause Button

5: Use the Force Luke

6: Please be Kind, Rewind

7: Posting Etiquette

8: Get Noticed

9: Use the Help Guide

10: Use Me!

The (Unofficial) Wattpad Writer's ManualWhere stories live. Discover now