37| Confused

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"It's amazing!," I exclaimed as I walked into the nursery that Gray has been keeping me away from.

The neutral coloured walls were covered with pictures of me and him, our friends and family. It made this room feel homely. His little crib sat in the middle of the room.

"You like it?," Gray asked. I nodded my head in awe.

"How did you even get time to do it?," I asked. "You were either with me or working."

"'Magic," he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. I slowly put Hunter down in the crib before making my way to my room and ordering Gray to keep an eye on him.

"I need to sleep," I shrugged. "I haven't slept in my own bed for days!" I threw myself back on the bed and immediately crawled in.

I was out like a light.


Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since Hunter was born. My body is finally back to normal. I'm thankful that I'm a wolf if I wasn't then it would've taken ages for me to get back in shape.

I didn't just bounce back. I've had to go to the gym.

I can't believe that Hunter is two weeks old. Time has flown by and before I know it he'll be settling down with his mate and having pups. That'll be a beautiful sight to see. Me and Gray will be old and watching the grandkids as Hunter looks after the pack.

I headed towards my room and quickly jumped into the shower. I was sweating like a pig.

Being a Luna seems so surreal. I'm still not used to walking around the pack and people greeting me and calling me Luna.

I got out of the shower and got changed. I headed downstairs and fell back onto the couch next to Gray. I rested my head on his thigh as I propped my legs up on the armrest. He threw a grape into the air and I opened my mouth, catching it. I let out a loud cough as I quickly sat up and hit my chest. Gray hit my back lightly not knowing what to do.

Ten minutes later, I finally let out one last cough and downed the water given to me in one go. I narrowed my eyes at Gray. "I could've died. You would've done what? Carried on tapping my back hoping it'll bring me back to life," I scoffed out with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Babe," he stated seriously. "You're not gonna die anytime soon. We're gonna die when we're old and bald."

"I won't make it to being old and bald if you tap me like that the next time I choke," I mumbled. He let out a loud laugh as he pulled me in for a hug before connecting our lips.

"We haven't gotten anything," he mumbled once we broke apart. I rested my head on his shoulder as we faced forwards.

He was talking about the person who keeps sending us threats. We still don't understand how they're getting past the wolves that watch the border.

"Isn't that a good thing?," I asked. He stayed silent.

Suddenly, knocks sounded through the house. I quickly got up to answer the door. Olivia threw her arms around me, catching me off guard. Once she let go of me, I stared at her confused. She was icing me out a couple of days ago and now she wants to let me back in again?

"I come bearing gifts!," she sang as she let herself into my house. I followed behind her still in a confused state. "Where's the little one?"

"Sleeping," I answered curtly. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to congratulate you and give a little gift," she shrugged. I glanced at the teddy bear she put in a gift bag.

Gray sat from the couch and watched this whole conversation. We were beyond the point of confusion at this point.

She turned to head upstairs. "What are you doing?," I snapped, stopping her in her tracks.

"I just want to get the baby from the nursery," she said slowly as if she wasn't crossing any boundaries. I let out a scoff.

"Like hell you are."

She furrowed her eyebrows and her mouth was agape as if she was in shock of what I just said. "I just want to get the baby."

"No," I said firmly. "You'll leave him alone and get out of my house."

"Wh-," she began to say before I cut her off.

"-Stop, you've been icing me out since I returned and only now you want to be best friends again? He's my baby and I didn't say you could get him. I don't want to see you again around me or my family. Now get out!"

"I'm sorry," she breathed out. She put the gift on the table and proceeded to walk towards the door. "I'm really sorry."

"You can take your gift with you."

"Keep it." She turned and left the house.

"Was that strange or is it just me that thinks that?," I asked Gray as I sat down beside him.

"Very," he replied. He leaned forward and grabbed the gift, examining it. "Cute," he complimented before putting it back.

Third persons PoV

"Great job," I praised her. She gave me a small smile. She'd do anything just to be the Luna and to get rid of her. But little does she know that she's not gonna be the Luna because once I'm done with Alana, I'm coming for her next.

I turned away from her and logged into my camera app. I watched as Alana held her baby close to her as she rocked him gently. She needs to feel pain, just like I did. She's the reason why I'm like this. She doesn't know it yet but she will soon. I just wish this all could've been avoided. If only she had accepted the rejection.

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