1| Broken Heart

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Authors Note:

•There have been no major changes that change the plot of the story
There is a sexual scene
•There are more chapters in Graysons PoV
•There is an alternative ending if you don't prefer the original
•I have done my best to try to show Graysons character development like you asked

Enjoy :)


The soft grass tickled my feet as I walked barefoot through the forest. The birds sang as if everything was perfectly fine. "I can't believe you misplaced your shoes again!," Liam, my twin brother, laughed as he threw his arm across my shoulders.

"Shoes are overrated," I joked before we reached our backyard.

"Alana!," my mom said happily as she came towards me to kiss my cheek.

"You literally saw me two hours ago," I laughed as I hugged her.

"What am I? A ghost," Liam said sarcastically before giving our mom a kiss and heading inside. We followed suit soon after.

"You lost your shoes again?," my dad asked exasperated. I let out a small nod before giving him a cheeky smile. He sighed and ran a hand down his face before he spoke. "We have to be at the Alphas house in an hour."

"Why?," my brother asked as he leaned against the wall.

"An alpha is coming." I didn't bother asking who the Alpha is since there's always an Alpha visiting. I went upstairs towards my room to get ready. I smelt of sweat. It was gross. I peeled my sweaty sports bra and shorts from my sticky body before I hopped into the shower. And yes, I do mean I had to literally peel it from me.

Ten minutes later, Isla banged on the door. "Hurry the fuck up!," she yelled through the locked door. I rolled my eyes and hurried up.

I wrapped my towel around my body before opening the door. "Calm your tiny boobs," I teased before I walked into my closet.

"Bitch, don't talk about my boobs like that!," she exclaimed as she followed me. She sat on the grey sofa that was in the middle of the room. I guess you can say it's pretty big.

"It's not my fault you've got the chest of a 10 year old boy," I joked as I looked through the rails of clothes I had.

"Wear this!," she exclaimed as she threw a random dress at me. I examined it for a second. I want something casual but not too casual because this is an Alpha coming to visit we're talking about. This dress was it. It was a high neck satin dress with ballon sleeves. It was pretty.

I turned away from Isla as she rummaged through my stacks of shoes. I dropped my towel and grabbed a pair of matching bra and panties. After I was fully dressed, I threw on the jewellery and heels that Isla gave me. She gave me a clutch after stuffing my phone in it. My hair was partially dry now so I left it down, leaving the rest of the hair to dry. I hated wearing makeup so Isla never bothered to ask me.

After that, we walked downstairs just as it was time to leave. The Gamma family had to be there too so Isla was definitely coming. "Come on! Get in the car. Let's go!," my dad boomed out like a coach would. I think I've gone deaf.

"Alright. Alright," my brother muttered in annoyance as he walked out the front door. Minutes later, we were all in the car and almost at the pack house.

"Hi," I spoke as I greeted Islas parents once we got to the pack house. Isla came with us since she was already at my house.

"Hello, dear," her sophisticated mother replied. Her mom was a strict woman. I would not want to mess with her. I gave a small smile before walking towards my family. I stood side by side with my brother who was looking gloomy.

"What crawled up your ass and died?," I asked him as I gently nudged his shoulder.

"Alana!," my dad scolded me. "Watch your language."

"Dad, I'm 19 years old. I'm not a child," I shrugged. He let out a sigh before giving me a small lecture on manners and respect. I zoned out for a while until a couple of expensive and beautiful sports cars pulled up. "Woah!," I said in awe as I stared at the cars. They were utterly beautiful. Even Liam was gobsmacked.

The owners got out and walked towards us according to their ranks. The Alpha walked first then the Beta and then the Gamma. Anyone who came with the Alpha walked behind him. I looked to see the Alpha walking towards us. Damn, he's hot. His muscles bulged as his arms moved slightly, it looked like his shirt was gonna rip.

My breath hitched in my throat. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. It was like it was only us here. Dang, who knew I could be cringy? "Mate," my wolf, Dawn, yipped happily in my head. He pulled his beautiful brown eyes, that made me feel like I was drowning, away from me and greeted my parents and Liam before acting like I don't exist and going towards the Gamma family.

Why would he ignore me? It felt like a piece of my heart had chipped away when he didn't even acknowledge me as his mate and I know for a fact that his wolf would've done the same thing mine did. I looked down and victoriously got rid of the watery eyes whilst repeating the same words over and over again to myself, 'don't show a weakness.'

I looked up once again as we all walked inside. Liam and Isla looked at me confused as I shrugged my shoulders helplessly, wondering why he completely blanked me.

I can't believe I have to have dinner with this guy but it's fine as long as I'm as far away from him as possible. We all got seated at the classy dining table as aimless chatter was scattered around. "He's hot," Isla whispered lowly in my ear making me strain to hear her. She was making sure no one else could hear since we're all werewolves here with super hearing.

I gritted my teeth in jealousy. Why the fuck am I jealous? I pushed the feeling down before replying. "Maybe," I shrugged feigning carelessness. "I haven't really noticed."

My so called mates eyes flickered towards me a couple of times making me feel nauseous. It was nerve wracking. "Dad?," I asked. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, silently hoping I use the manners I have been taught and lectured on using. "I don't feel well. May I be excused?," I said, knowing my dad would give me a lecture later if I didn't say it properly. My dad looked at me proudly. He thinks his lecture made a difference. Ha! If only he knew.

"Yeah okay. Ask Damon to drop you off at home," he suggested. I nodded before standing up.

I went into the foyer and called him. Damon is Islas older brother. He was training the wolves for his dad so he had an excuse to not attend.
"Hey. What's up?," he asked knowing that I rarely ever called him since I had no reason to.

"Hey, are you done with training?," I asked.

"Yeah I'm just about to get in my car. Want me to come pick you up?," he asked.

"Yeah please," I sighed.

"Alright. I'll be there in five," he said before he hung up.

I sat on the stairs as I waited for him to pick me up. He honked his horn, letting me know he was waiting for me outside. I rushed outside and got into the warmth of his car. I sat staring out of the window, not allowing myself to get too dee into my thoughts. When he finally dropped me off ten minutes later, I let out a 'thanks' before rushing inside.

As I walked into my room, I kicked my heels off and changed into my pyjamas before getting ready for bed. The thought of my mate being so close yet so far made my heart ache.

He's a stranger, someone I've never met before, yet I feel like I can't live without him. It's strange.

I stared at myself in the mirror as anger bubbled up inside of me. There's only two ways this whole thing could end as and it's the only one of the two ways that happen to everyone.

It'll either end with us madly in love or it'll end with a broken heart and a broken soul.

Alpha Grayson|✔️Where stories live. Discover now