5| Her Prince Charming

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Alanas PoV
"Are you gonna let me out?," I said as I leaned against the door. Ever since he 'kidnapped' me, I've been locked in my bedroom like Rapunzel. "It's not funny!"

I hit the door with my hand.

No reply.

"It's been two days. I'm hungry and I want some chocolate! Open the fucking door!" I got up from my spot on the floor and paced back and forth. I don't do well with being locked up.

"Please! Just let me go!," I yelled as my kidnapped tugged on my hair roughly. "I didn't do anything." Tears streamed down my cheeks as my kidnapper struck me across the face.

"Shut up!," he yelled, his spit flying and landing on my bruised face. "You're giving me a fucking headache." He pushed me into a room before slamming and locking the door.

The small room was dirty and had the faint metallic stench of blood. I scrunched my nose up in disgust when I saw the small bucket in the corner. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to pee in that. A small lumpy mattress that was probably covered in bugs was against the wall. I can't stay here.

The light bulb above me flickered. I silently hoped that it wouldn't explode or stop working.

I thought too soon.

The bulb went out.

The darkness greeted me as I felt around on the floor for the mattress. I really wish there was a window here.
End of Flashback

Suddenly, I blinked myself back to the present. I touched my cheek realising I was crying. I quickly felt my pockets and bed for my phone before remembering that he took it. I need to call my mom. I need her. I raced towards the door barely containing my tears as I banged against it. "Open up, please! Please! I need to call my mom! I need her. I need my phone!" No reply. I don't know why I was surprised by that. I should've known that he doesn't care about me.

I staggered over towards the bed, feeling light headed. I sat on it and clutched the comforter so tight that my knuckles turned white.

"Deep breath in, deep breath out," my wolf suddenly spoke up, feeling the need to help me. "You can do it. Calm down. Have happy thoughts. You're not in the past, you're in the present. That won't happen to you again. You're safe now."

Am I really safe? I was kept locked up there and the same is happening here. "No, it's not. It's different this time," my wolf spoke up making me let out a sigh of relief with tear stained cheeks. I thought she was angry at me or that she was still suffering the effects from whatever it was Grayson put on my face.

"How do you know?," I said to her softly.

"You're in a clean room for starters. We're not being beaten and we're getting fed. This is a completely different situation."

My eyes lingered at the plate that was left here by the cook. I have been given edible food but I haven't been eating it for some strange reason. The smoke that was once coming off of the plate was no longer there as the steaming hot food had cooled down.

"Good, you're calm now," my wolf said again as she noticed that my heart rate had slowed.

I looked at the windows before realising that I could open them. It's almost as if I had quickly returned back to the mental state I was in when I had been captured the first time. I almost ran towards it. I tried opening it but it was no use as the window wouldn't open very much. I would definitely not be able to squeeze through it. I could break the window but that seems too drastic. He can't leave me in here for weeks, right?

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