10| Keep Her Safe

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Graysons PoV
"Go! Go! Go!," I yelled at my warriors and other pack members that volunteered to find their Luna. I watched as they all ran towards their opponent with one goal.

To take them down.

We were training. Due to the fact that my pack is the strongest and biggest pack ever, no rogue pack has ever tried to start a war with me. If they did, it only ever rarely happened. They wouldn't ever live to tell the story.

"Alpha," Zane said through the mind link. "We have a lead."

Without another word, I darted to the pack house and into the office. "What?"

"His last whereabouts were here," he pointed to a spot on the map, not too far from here. "He was there an hour ago. Wolves are already following him."

We know who fucking took her and the longer she is with him the more damaged she'll be when she comes back. He's a sick fucked. I know for a fact that he wants her because she's a white wolf.

I sighed out. It's been almost a month. Each day is getting harder and harder for my wolf and I to control our rage. Ice can't feel her wolfs presence and that's worrying him and me. Yet know I have to carry on. I can't fuck up. I have a pack to run and a mate to find. "We'll find her," Zane reassured me. I looked at him. "I'm proud of you. Most mates would've just given up."

"It's only cos I can't wait to rip his head from his body," I snarled out as my canines elongated, a sign that my wolf was coming up to the surface.

"Any news?," Isla asked as she peeked her head in through the door. My wolf glared at her before slowly giving me back control.

"We found who took her," Zane said causing Islas broken face lit up slightly. I knew she would only actually be able to relax when Alana comes back because I can't relax either even though I barely fucking spoke to her.

"What are we doing about the mole?," she asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't think there is one anymore. I mean, there could be but I doubt it. The man who took her was from this pack so he knows the ins and outs pretty well. There's a chance he recruited someone on the inside to get him easier access."

"Alpha," a voice belonging to one of my trackers said through the mind link. "We're in the middle of nowhere. We've been led hours out of town to an underground bunker. We can't enter, there's wolves guarding the entrance. The Lunas scent is strong here."

"Gather the wolves," I growled out the mind link with the entire pack. They knew their Luna was coming home. Once Alana was taken, someone had to explain the situation to the pack so they now know they have a Luna.

Minutes later, we met outside. The wolves were given the directions to the bunker and what to do. "Our main goal is to get our Luna to safety. Leave him to me," I ordered before one of the groups left. Zane's group left next. I watched impatiently as Isla hugged and kissed him.

Why can't she hurry up?

Finally, he left. I watched and made sure everyone that was remaining was sure of they were risking. They were risking their lives. They know that there's a chance they might not make it out alive. When no one left or moved from their spot, the next couple of groups left.


"Shift," I ordered the pack. We need to stake out the area and in order to do so, we need to be in our wolf form. Minutes later, all the wolves that didn't belong to my pack were killed swiftly. We didn't want them alerting others.

We stealthily walked into the bunker, swiping out any unwanted wolves before we continued. The whole mission was clean and going smoothly.

By now, they knew they were getting attacked. The group of wolves that were stationed outside of the bunker battled with the newcomers as we tried to erase the others. I left the groups and ventured away from the others as I tried to find my mate. Zane followed closely behind me. We pushed open doors and killed a few people until there was one last door left. This was the one. I could feel it and smell her.

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