15| Silent Agreement

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"I don't think you're ready to go," my mom said as she sat on my bed watching me pack.

"Mom, it's been weeks since I-," I paused and rethought the words I was going to use before saying it in a more softer way. "-since I ended up in the hospital. I'm ready," I said to her. "I've healed and taken time. So now it's time for me to move on with my life and that means moving to a new pack."

"I know. I'm just afraid that something bad might happen to you."

"I'm fine," I said to her. "Now can you help me pack?"


One last family run. We all stood side by side in our wolf form. I rarely ever shift since white wolves are rare and I'd rather not be stuck out like a sore thumb. Plus, barely shifting for me won't harm my wolf as long as I shift every once in a while unlike everyone else who has to shift daily or every couple of days.

My mom, dad and brother looked towards me before darting off into the forest in front of us. Without any hesitation, I rushed forward and jumped on my brothers light brown wolf causing him to fall to the ground with a groan as his jaw hit the ground. Proud of what I just did, I lifted myself up and sprinted away knowing full well he'd come back for revenge.

I paused in my tracks as I watched my parents up ahead. My dads wolf stood next to my mom almost in a protective stance as she leaned her furry head on his shoulder. He relaxed and after sensing the lack of danger around him, he melted into her touch and that made my heart melt too. They stayed like that for a while.

Watching my parents like that made me long for a mate to do this with and to feel that with. Some people are so inconsiderate of the single people around them.

I'm kidding.



The next day, I was officially leaving. I hugged my parents and my brother before I was on my way. I was going to the Red Moon pack which is almost 7 hours away. As I left the pack ground, I called Isla. She needs to know that I'm leaving. "Hello," she said through the car speakers.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh my goddess! Oh my!," she screamed through the phone. I could just imagine her jumping up and down. "Y-You can talk!"

"Yeah I can. I'm so sorry I haven't called sooner. A bunch of crazy shit has happened."

"Tell me all," she said.

"Okay so I died," I told her.

"Wait, what?," she asked. "I think I missed a couple of chapters. Care to fill me in?"

"My mom walked in when I was having a breakdown and she thought I was going to hurt myself. Then somehow I actually died a little later on but I came back to life. Now, I'm driving across the country to go start my life at a new pack. I really need the fresh start after all the bullshit I've been through."

"Oh babe, I didn't know you were struggling so much," she sighed out. "What pack are you going to? Actually, don't tell me. I don't want to be the reason...," she trailed off.

"You don't want to be the reason...what?," I asked.

"You know, he who shall not be named. I don't want to be the reason why he finds out."

"You can say Grayson, you know," I rolled my eyes. "Even if he does find out, you can give me a heads up 'cause he isn't gonna be getting to that pack anytime soon and I'll have more than enough time to leave again."

"So you're doing slightly good then. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of me too. I'm doing okay, I'm not at the 'really well' stage yet. Just gotta take one day at a time."

"Well, regardless, I'm super proud of you. You're amazin- What the fuck do you want?," she yelled midway between the sentence. I heard some mumbling on the other side before she spoke to me again. "I gotta go. I'll call you later," she grumbled before she cut the call. The next couple of hours were filled only with the music coming from speakers.


"Thanks," I said to the lady behind the desk. I decided to stay at a motel. It was getting late and I needed a place to sleep. To be honest, my legs were starting to cramp up on the 4th hour of driving. I walked around reading the door numbers until I found mine. I unlocked it and entered the room before locking it again. Without missing a beat, I sauntered over to the bed and laid on it, instantly falling asleep.

My phone rang, waking me up from my well deserved sleep. I answered the call, not even bothering to check who it was. "Alana?," he breathed out. My breath hitched in my throat. I stayed silent. I didn't want to talk to him but I needed to hear what he wanted to say. "I know you can hear me and I know this is you." He paused. "I heard that you speak again. Isla was practically screaming it yesterday. I'm happy for yo-."

Before he could finish the sentence, I hung up the call. I was done listening to his voice. My eyes burned with tears threatening to fall. I will not cry. I am so much stronger than this.

He never deserved me.

His voice. His deep husky voice with an edge to it made my heart break all over again. But, it won't be like last time. I've learnt from my mistakes. I now know that my life doesn't need to revolve around a man that doesn't even want me.

Brushing off my thoughts, I went to the bathroom and freshened up before I was back on the road again.


"Name?," the guard asked at the pack.

"Alana Reid," I told him. He looked down at the piece of paper in his hand before looking up and nodding his head after he asked for the name of the pack I came from. A wolf walked beside my car on each side as I drove through the territory.

Minutes later, I ended up at the pack house thanks to the directions from one of the wolves. I got out the car to greet the awaiting Alpha. He looked around my fathers age. "Welcome," he said with a friendly smile on his face. "I'm Alpha Daniels and you must be Alana Reid."

"Thank you for allowing me into your pack," I said as I tilted my head to the side, showing him that I mean no harm. The two wolves that followed my car emerged from the pack house in their human form.

"I'm Ace," one said, shooting me a smirk and a wink. A pair of shorts hung low on his waist. The brand name 'Calvin Klein' could be seen on his boxers waistband. His upper body was completely naked. His defined six pack stood out the most. His face was just as perfect as the rest of him. All in all he was utterly handsome.

"Xavier," the other man that was stood beside Ace said. He was just as hot as Ace. Maybe even more. His perfectly sculpted body matched his flawless face. The mischievous glint in his eyes told me that he was the troublemaker around here.

They both seemed to be around my age. And boy were they hot.

"Ace is the future Alpha and Xavier is the future Beta," Alpha Daniels said proudly. "Boys, please show our guest the room she'll be staying in." The boys both nodded their heads before they walked inside. I slowly followed behind them.

"So," Xavier said once I walked through the door. "You're cute."

"Thanks," I said with a small laugh. He threw his arm over my shoulders. Ace pushed his arm off me and replaced it with his own.

"You single?," Ace asked before he burst out laughing. "I'm sorry that was too quick. It's just there's not a lot of cute girls around here. Well, they are cute but they're just so fucking annoying."

"Don't worry," I said to them both as I shrugged his heavy arm off me, "you'll find me annoying soon enough."

And that my friends was the silent agreement of our friendship.

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