12| My Fault

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Alana's PoV
"Gray, don't do it. I'm fucking begging you," I heard someone say loudly in a warning tone. "You're fucking gonna regret it and when you do, you won't be able to undo what you're about to fucking do." I wanted to tell them to shut up and that I need my beauty sleep but I felt like couldn't.

"It's happening whether you like it or not," Grayson snapped loudly. "As soon as she wakes up, I'm doing it."

She? Me? Doing what?

I rolled out of bed and got ready, anxious to know what he was talking about.

As soon as I was ready, I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Once I had my breakfast, I sat on the dining table, opposite Grayson. Whoever he was taking to earlier wasn't here. Grayson looked around nervously as he bounced his leg up and down continuously. When I finished and was about to stand up, Grayson asked me to sit back down.

"You're in danger," he sighed out as he rubbed a hand down his face.

Like I didn't already know that.

"You're in danger because of me. That guy that took you is my fucking uncle. He's dead now so you're safe for now but what happens when someone's after you again? If I can't protect you from my own family, what makes us think that I can protect you from strangers, from me?"

Like I need protecting.

He's dead. He won't be able to haunt me anymore.

"So that's why I need to do this. I need to free us both," he let out a deep breath as I held mine. I knew what he was about to do. "I, Grayson Knight, Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, reject you, Alana Reid, as my mate and Luna."

My eyes widened in shock at him actually saying those words as I stood up from my seat opposite him causing the chair to hit the floor with a bang as I took a couple of steps back like I just received a blow to the face. I was not expecting that to actually happen.

Suddenly, my wolf let out a howl of sadness making me feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I always hoped I'd never hear it. Of course, I was the only one that could hear her. My heart felt like it was breaking. It wasn't shattering just yet. It had simply just broken. I could feel the bond between him and I and the one between our wolves weaken.

"I'm so sorry, Dawn. I'm so sorry," I told her softly feeling like this was my fault. My wolf doesn't deserve this. No one fucking deserves to feel like this.

His face that was apologetic and sorrowful a moment ago was blank and completely void of any emotion. Is he feeling what I'm feeling? Why didn't his wolf talk him out of it? How could he have done this? I let out a shaky breath and slowly made my way to my room. He stayed completely still like a statue as I left, not even daring to glance at me.

Once I was in the safety of my bedroom, I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, sliding down it. That was when I broke down. Sobs wracked my body as this unbearable pain filled my body, filled every bone. I tried to be as quiet as possible because I knew he'd be able to hear me with his werewolf hearing.

When I heard the front door slam, I knew he left and that's when I let it all out. I cried. I cried so hard. I cried for the girl I was before I was taken when I was only a little child. I cried for the girl I was when I was taken and I cried for the girl I am now. I cried for Maisie. I cried for Isla. I cried for Grayson for being stuck with someone like me. I have too much baggage. I should've realized from the start that he wouldn't be able to handle it. I should've realised from the start that he didn't even want me.

I think this is the first time I've cried since I've came back. I think I'm only just realizing everything that happened.

Gathering myself together, I started packing my things. I can't stay here any more. I don't belong here. I wish I could've accepted the rejection verbally. At least then, I wouldn't feel this dull, longing and empty feeling in my heart. "I heard what happened," someone said next to my ear, making me jump in fright. I didn't hear anyone come up.

I turned to see Isla. She gave me a sad soft smile before sitting on my bed and patting the spot next to her. I sat next to her, putting my head on her shoulder. "Zane told me what happened. I'm so sorry. I can talk to him. I-I can-." I cut her off by putting my hands over hers. She looked down at our hands before looking at my face. I gently shook my head with a teary smile. "I just don't want you to go," she started to cry. I sat up and wiped her tears away before hugging her. I wanted to tell her that everything's gonna be okay. That I'm gonna be fine but I couldn't. I can't lie to my best friend. I don't know if I'm gonna be fine. I don't know if I'll make it out on the other side. I have no fucking clue.

She grabbed my things and helped me pack. By the time we were done, it was starting to get dark. I looked around my room that was once filled with my things to see it empty and lifeless just like the rest of this fucking house. I dragged my bags out of the house and placed them into the car. "I'll drop you off," Isla offered. I shook my head before getting my phone out to text her.

M- it's late. You should get home. I'll be fine driving there.

"Are you sure?," she asked me concerned as I looked up from the phone and nodded my head. She looked at me, unsure for a moment before coming close and hugging me. We stayed like that for a while before someone cleared their throat caused us to break away.

"You can stay the night and set off tomorrow, Alana," Grayson said. I made sure to not look at him because if I did, I know I would've exploded either by crying or getting angry. It's hard to tell. Isla clenched her fists at her side.

"She'd rather not," Isla spat out. I looked at her knowing she was gonna get herself into trouble.

"I was talking to Alana," he stared calmly even though, I knew he was slowly losing his cool.

"And I'm speaking for her. Did you forget she isn't speaking? Oh, wait, I forgot, you weren't around when she came back so how would you know? You were busy trying plan how you were gonna reject her!"

"Isla, watch your tone," Grayson barked out in his Alpha tone. Isla immediately lowered her head before turning it to the side, showing her neck. That's the sign of submission.

"Sorry, Alpha," Isla struggled to say. When she did manage to get it out, Grayson stalked inside. She rolled her eyes.

"He deserved it," she shrugged causing me to crack a smile. "I'm gonna miss you so much." She pulled me in for another hug before she let me go. "Okay, now go before I start crying again." I nodded my head and got into the car. Before I set off, I realized I hadn't said goodbye to Olivia and Noah.

M- tell Olivia and Noah that I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye.

I looked out of the window to see Isla reading the message before she looked up and gave me a nod and a smile. With that, I set off with tears in my eyes. I didn't dare to look back.

I really hope I make it out on the other side of this situation.

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