Chapter 18 - If you love me let me go, It's my time

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We all watch Ali run out of the room followed by Rebekah. I look over at Klaus to see the look of fear and pain written all over his face, this is the only time were I felt bad for the hybrid. I see him walk over to his hybrids ordering them all to compel everyone to leave before heading upstairs. We hear the clittering of heels walking towards us, we look over to see Ali and Rebekah. She looks at us all

ALI - "Where's Klaus?"

CAROLINE - "Upstairs" she points in the direction and heads there, before heading up the stairs she turns

ALI - "Hey guys" we look at her soulfully "I'm sorry" she then walks off

TYLER - "Rebekah, what the hell is going on?, what did they mean she is going to die?"

REBEKAH - "If you stop yapping, I'll explain" we all shut up

REBEKAH - "Alright, well basically..." She explains everything to us as we stand there in shock.

CAROLINE - "So basically Aliana has this bond curse on her and because the spell is done, She is under the curse and is dying"

REBEKAH - "That's exactly what I'm saying and we have to put a stop to it" "soon" we feel a breeze past us

STEFAN - "What was that?" We all turn to see Ali

ALI - "Hey guys look, I'm really going to miss you"

CAROLINE - "What are you talking about?"

ALI - "I'm leaving"

ELENA - "What!!, you can't"

ALI - "I'm really sorry, but I have to do this, I am going to miss you, I love you all" all the girls burst into tears

BONNIE - "Please don't"

DAVID - "Ali, please stay, your my daughter, I can't watch you walk out of my life"

JACKSON - "I just found you"

ALI - "I can't be here when I die, it'll be too painful for you and me" Everyone gives her individual hugs and speeches, soon enough everyone is shedding a tear for her, even Damon is"

ALI - "I can't believe Damon is shedding a tear for me" we all laugh whilst wiping the tears away.

ALI - "I love you all so much, please remember me" "I got to go talk to Klaus and then I'll be on my way" I try really hard to hold the waterfall in my eyes when I see her walk up the stairs,


I walk up the stairs slowly gracing into the hallway. I use my vampire senses to smell him out. My feet take me to wherever and stop in front of Klaus's bedroom door. I open it walking in to find him on the balcony railing leaning on it. I stand by his bed giving him some space.

ALI - "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I pause looking at him "Just please let me explain" He turns around folding his arms just standing there waiting for me to proceed talking

ALI - "Okay, I'm I was visited in a dream by Silas and Qetsiyah. They told me that if I don't break the bond, you die and if I do break it, I die. I had to sleep with you in order for the first part to be completed then I had to have a really powerful witch do the spell, she needed your blood, I took it and the spell is done. I'm only doing this because I cant cope if you die, if you die most of the vampire race dies with you and besides, I think it's my time" I look at him "Klaus please say something" He looks at me

KLAUS - "Why didn't you tell me?, I could have helped, there's always another way"

ALI - "I don't think there is another way out of this Klaus"

KLAUS - "This is why our relationship doesn't work, because we keep keeping secrets between us"

ALI - "I didn't tell anyone because if I told anyone, they would stop me, I was scared"

KLAUS - "Come on, we are going to see your witch to undo this" he grabs my arm but I pull him back

ALI - "No this is how it is supposed to be" I begin to cry "Y'know, Rebekah said earlier that she hasn't seen you this happy.... Ever, but I need you to let me go, it's my time" I grab his face

KLAUS - "What!!, no" I nod

ALI - "Yes..... Goodb"

KLAUS - "Don't give me the goodbye speech" "we can fix this, please"

ALI - "I told you that me and you wasn't going to work out, we've had to deal with so many problems since we got together and they all revolve around me. I mean look at what I've done in the past two days, I've lied to every person I love, basically ended my own life and stole my own boyfriends blood...... If you love me, you will let me go, I need to leave for good". I walk away but run upto him full on kissing him. His kiss was so lustful and filled with passion. I could tell he put everything into it. I break away still nose to nose with him.

KLAUS - "Is this about Pixie?"

ALI - "No this is something I have to do" I whisper againgst his lips.

KLAUS - "Wait" he runs over to his draw grabbing a ring. "It's a promise ring, I was going to give it to you at the end of tonight, carry this everywhere with you to the grave,...... I LOVE YOU ALIANA ADDISON"

ALI - "I love you too, don't forget that" I pull my hand away and walk towards the door, I take one more glance back to see a single tear fall from his eye he zooms out of the room with me down to everyone else. I look at them all one last time before disspapearing for good.

I was driving my car down the abandoned roads of Mystic Falls thinking that this was the right thing. I decide to head for Georgia. I feel a shooting pain pierce my heart in one quick motion. I stop the car getting out bending over, holding my chest as I chuck up blood. I look at it before screaming 'WHY!!!" I cry out. I get back up driving off into what was my last week of life.



Witch Instincts (Klaus Mikaelson FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें