Chapter 4 -Bonding with a certain Mikaelson and the feelings begin

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Aliana - I wake up on something very soft and cosy. I lift my head to find myself in my bedroom, I sit there trying to figure out how I got here, the last tihng I remember is being carried home by .... Klaus. He saved me, he was my hero, my georgous hero - Wait!, stop thinking like that Ali. I shake my head, while getting up slowly out of my bed, peeling my clothes off and hopping in the shower. 


After a well deserved shower, I get dressed (outfit on the side and walk downstairs quietly. As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs I was engulfed in a big hug by my parents. 

JULIE - ''Oh god Ali, i'm so glad you're okay sweetie pie''

ALIANA - ''I'm okay mom, calm down'' 

JULIE - ''We're just glad you're okay'' 

ALIANA - ''And I appreciate it but I really should go and thank Klaus, he did save me'' 

DAVID - ''Yeah'' 

ALIANA - ''Is my car here'' they nod ''In the garage'' my dad says

ALIANA - ''Okay bye mom, bye dad'' I say kissing their cheeks and heading out the door. 

I open the garage, get in my car and speed off into the grill. I park my car and walk into the grill and am approached by Matt. 

ALIANA - ''Hey Matt'' 

MATT - ''Hey Ali'' he says hugging me and then quickly says after ''Are yiu sure you're okay to be driving and walking around'' 

ALIANA - ''I'm fine Matt, thanks for the consideration though'' I say as we both laugh 

MATT - ''Hey i'd love to stay and chat but if my boss catches me, i'll probably get fired so i'll speak to you later'' 

ALIANA - ''Okay bye Matt'' 

MATT - ''Bye Ali'' he says as I head towards the bar and he heads in the drection of the kitchen'' 

I sit down and order a bourbon and can sense someone sitting next to me.. a vampire. I don't both looking up to see who it is. 

''Hello Darling'' I look upto see Kol Mikaelson 

ALIANA  - ''What's up Kol?''

KOL - ''Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you that you look ravishing this fine day''  He says, I look at him with a confused look on my face. 

ALIANA - ''Thanks'' I say laughing 

KOL - ''Let me buy you a drink?'' 

ALIANA - ''Uh, okay sure'' I say very confused. 

KOL - ''You're so hot when your confused''

ALIANA - ''Don't flirt with me kol'' 

KOL - Why not?'' 

ALIANA - ''Because I don't like it'' 

''Greetings Ali, Kol'' and there stood Elijah and Klaus. Klaus is so hot!!!, I don't know how much longer I can deny these feelings I think to myself then pull myself back into reality.

KLAUS - ''Is he annoying you love'' 

ALIANA - ''Yeah, a little it's fine though'' 

KOL - ''You're only saying it's fine because you like it'' he says flirtatiously. I then give him an aneurysm.

KOL - ''Ahhhhh'' he seeths quietly gripping the side of his head. He sends me a scowling glare.

ELIJAH - ''I suggest that you go Kol... now'' and with that Kol left. 

ELIAJH - ''So, how are you this fine day Ali'' 

ALIANA - ''Uh, i'm fine thanks for asking'' 

ELIJAH - ''Would you excuse me for one moment'' he says politly walking towards the bathroom. 

Me and Klaus were left alone and it was complete silence. As I sat there fiddling with my drink, I decided to break the awkward silence. 

ALIANA - ''Hey Klaus, I just wanted to thankyou again, for last night'' 

KLAUS - ''No problem love'' there was a silent pause - 

KLAUS - ''So tell me about yourself'' 

ALIANA - ''You don't want to know about boring old me'' 

KLAUS - ''Give it a shot'' 

ALIANA - Well, I'm 19 years old, likes to play sports, and love to draw and paint, see nothing exciting''. 

KLAUS - '' I find it exciting that you draw'' he says, I look at him a bit shocked?

ALIANA - '' Yeah, I love to draw, it just helps me relax and it's one of my ways I express my feelings'' 

KLAUS - ''Looks like we have one thing in common''

ALIANA - ''You draw too'' 

KLAUS - ''Yeah, you surprised?''

ALIANA - ''Yeah, I didn't expect it, the big bad hybrid expresses his feelings through painting''

KLAUS - ''Haha, laugh it up. I'd love to see your paintings sometimes'' he says turning his head towards me

ALIANA - Yeah sometime''

KLAUS - ''Promise?'' 

ALIANA - ''Promise'' I say linking our pinkies. I didn't realise how close we were to each other. I looked up and we were staring into each other's eyes. We were staring at each other's eyes for a few seconds and I hearsomeone approach us, I look upto see Elijah.

ALIANA - ''Welcome back'' 

ELIJAH - ''I wasn't gone for that long'' 

ALIANA - ''It felt like forever'' 

ELIJAH - ''Yeah, well I have some business to attend to, i'll see you Ali, you coming Klaus?'' I turn to him to find him still staring at me. He quickly brushes it off. 

KLAUS - ''Uh yeah, i'll be right there brother, see you soon Ali - ...Gator'' he says. I look up at him quickly and all he does is wink at me and walk off leaving me there basically starstruck. Elijah walks back over to me.

ELIJAH - ''Can you do me a favour, text everyone and have them all meet at the Mikaelson house at 8PM?'' 

ALIANA - ''Sure''

ELIJAH - ''Thanks Ali, bye'' 

ALIANA - ''Bye'' I say as I watch Eliah walk out of the doors and zoom away. Soon after, I text everyone and leave. I arrived home thinking about him. I knew my feelings for him were slwoly growing and I couldn't stop it. I walk into my room collapsing on my bed and soon drifting into darkness. 


I woke up to find myself on my living room floor and hesitantly stood up waling around the corner into the hallway to find.............. 


Witch Instincts (Klaus Mikaelson FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon