Chapter 14 - Outcome of events

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I open my eyes scanning everything around me. I'm in my living room, I went upstairs, changed into this (photo on the side minus the bag and scarf) and headed downstairs. This time I was greeted with Klaus's appearance.

KLAUS - "Hello Love, I trust you slept well"

ALIANA - "Yeah, the best nap of my life" "Let's do something fun I'm in a hyper and happy mood"

KLAUS - "Okay come with me" he walks me out towards my back garden covering my eyes, guiding me along"

ALIANA - "What are you upto Klaus?"

KLAUS - "Just trust me will you" He opens the door with his one hand as we walk through them

ALIANA - "Im not so sure if I trust you, am I going to like what I am about to see"

KLAUS - "See for yourself" he pulls his hands from my eyes and my gaze falls upon everyone standing in my back garden, "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" They all tell. it's all decorated with balloons and banners, a table full of presents in the corner, food and music, I can't believe everyone did all this for me.

CAROLINE - "We did all this in the time it took to get you from Philly to here so you ready to party?" She says and whistles

DAVID - "Bring out the drink boys, you owe me for allowing this" I look at the back of my garden to see a bunch of hybrids bringing in crates and crates of booze.

ALIANA - "Who's idea was this?"

TYLER - "Who do you think?" I turn to see a smirking Klaus with a box in his hand

ALIANA - "You didn't have to arrange all this for me"

KLAUS - "I know I just thought hey why not have a party to celebrate your birthday and that your wolf gene triggered" he walks upto me opening the box, I gasp

ALIANA - "A locket, Klaus you shouldn't have, you already got me the paintings"

KLAUS - "Just open it then you'll see" I open and it's a picture of me and him from a few nights ago

ALIANA - "You are unbelievable" I lean up and kiss him.


The party was in full swing, everyone was partying on the verge of falling over drunk. I was on the side drinking watching Elena and Stefan dance, they are so cute together. Whilst iny head, I got pulled off into the forest and pinned to a tree. I try to figure out who it is but to no avail.

STRANGER - "Hey birthday girl, I don't like the idea of you and Klaus together"

ALI - "Yeah well so does a lot of other people, you'll just have to deal with it like everyone else"

STRANGER - "How would you feel if you found out Klaus was keeping secrets from you"

ALI - "He's not"

STRANGER - "Really?' So Klaus told you that your his mate that's why you are attracted to each other" I stare at him intently

STRANGER - "He didn't tell you did he?, well at least you know now" he walks away and I let a tear roll freely down my face. I walked back to the party to find and confront Klaus. I see him standing by the door talking to a hybrid, I make my way over pushing Klaus into the living room shutting the door.

KLAUS - "What's wrong, there's a party out there, come on let's go and enjoy it"

ALI - "Why didn't you tell me?"

KLAUS - "Uh tell you what?"

ALI - "About me being your mate, why didn't you tell me"

KLAUS - "How did you find out"

ALI - It doesn't matter how I found out" I stare at him quite angrily

KLAUS - "I didn't want you to think that we loved each other because of the bond" "I knew it would hurt you and I didn't want you to leave me, I'll be alone forever"

ALI - "So you're saying that if you told me the truth I would just get up and leave you, what! do you not trust me or something?"

KLAUS - "I trust you" I walk over to to my book cabinet and pick up my mothers spell book

KLAUS - "Ali, what are you doing with that?"

ALI - "I'm going to break the bond to see if we still feel the same way about each other"

KLAUS - "Why"

ALI - "Because I don't trust my feelings" now. I look outside to see the party was being moved to another location, I felt to upset and confused to join.

ALI - "I can't deal with this right now, I'm sorry" I run upto my room crying myself to sleep.


I watch her leave in tears, I just stand there quite angry in fact that she doesn't believe that she loves me and that I love her. I feel someone walk up besides me, I look to see Kol and Jeremy.

KOL - "Well what an outcome of events that was"

KLAUS - "Not now Kol"

JEREMY - "What happened?"

KLAUS - "I screwed up"


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