Chapter 7 - The Confrontation

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ELIJAH - ''Well I just wanted to go over the plans for tomorrow's spell and to clarify if everyone is on the same page''. 

DAMON - ''So how's it all gonna go down originals'' 

KOL - ''Basically we all go to the Cemetery so Bonnie can 'do' Esther's spell, she knows her and Ali have something up their sleeve but doesn't know how much power they have and what spell they have. They perform the spell put the Mikaelson parents back in their coffins for good and boom, vampire race lives on''. 

Whilst listening to Kol, I feel my arm begin to tingle then burn. I lift my sleeve to find that sun and moon thing on my wrist with multiple circles on it. 

ELENA - ''What's that?'' I look up and everyone is staring at me then my wrist. 

ALI - ''I don't know'' Everyone comes closer and takes a look at it. 

''I can tell you''  We all turn to find a boy about my age standing there. By his scent I can tell........ he's a wolf. 

ALI - ''Who are you?'' 

''I'm J-'' 

DAVID - ''We'll tell you'' 

ALI - ''Mom, Dad?'' 

DAVID - ''Ali, this is Jackson...... your brother''. I stood there speechless. 

JACKSON - ''Look, before you say anything there is a reason why I am here. I know that your 18th birthday is coming up and you know I am wold like I know most of you here are vampires. You need to be preapred, when you turn eighteen your werewolf gene will trigger and when the full moon is up on that night, you will turn into a wolf. The symbold on your arm has to do with your wolf side. I t basically means that after your birthday, you are able to turn anytime whether it be day or night''. 

ALI - ''But that would make me'' 

JULIE - ''1/3 witch, 1/3 vampire and 1/3 wolf'' 

ALI - ''Where have you been all these years'' 

JACKSON - ''When you were thirteen, I left, my werewolf side was becoming too much for me, I couldn't control it, I had to get away before I harmed anyone, before I harmed you'' I listened intently then turned towards my parents. 

ALI - ''Why was I not told I had a brother?'' 

JULIE - ''We were going to tell you, I thought I was doing the right thing by not telling you'' 

ALI - ''The right thing?, you think not telling me that I am going to turn into a wolf on my 18th birthday was the right thing?, you think by not telling me that I had a brother was the right thing?'' I say angrily as I can feel my eyes glow red and my fangs bearing. 

DAVID - ''You're right, we should have told you sooner''. 

ALI - ''Can we just get back to the topic at hand?'' 

KLAUS - ''Yeah, do you know which spell you have to do?'' 

BONNIE - ''Yeah, we have to do the Lockdown Spell, it takes a lot of power but i'm ready for it'' 

KLAUS - ''Ali?'' I look at him and nod 

ALI - ''I'm ready'' 

JACKSON - ''Ready for what?'' 

DAVID - I'll explain it to you later, are you coming home?'' 

JACKSON - ''Yeah'' 

REBEKAH - ''Well if that is all you need me for, I'll be going'' she says then leaves. 

I make plans with Bonnie to practice our magic in the morning. Everyone leaves not long after Rebekah leaving me, my parents, brother, Elijah and Klaus. 

JACKSON - ''Will you survive that?'' 

ALI - ''Of course I will dummy'' 

JACKSON - ''Okay okay just checking'' 

DAVID - ''We'd better get going'' 

ALI - ''I left my phone upstairs, i'll be back'' I say hopping up the stairs once again in Klaus's Art RoomI walk over and pick up my phone and decending towards the stairs. I stop halfway when I see a man in the doorway talking to Elijah, he looks at me, greets Elijah with a goodbye and walks away. I go in the living room just as Elijah closes the door but he zoomes in to attack me but I pin him againgst the wall by his throat. I take a step back and flings him into the stairway railing. I walk up to him, picking his feet up and dragging him into the room with everyone else following. I put a spell on the room so he can't get out. I rush out of the room and grab a stake and goes to stab him but he screams. 

''Okay, okay, my name is Andy I came here to deliver a messege from Esther''. 

ANDY - ''She said they are coming for you'' 

ALI - ''Okay now it's my turn to deliver a messege'' I say when I stab the stake in his heart and rips his head off just for the pleasure. 

ELIJAH - Ali, what's going on?''

ALI - ''Esther came to me in a dream and keeps asking me to join her in killing the vampire race and Emily Bennett came to me in a dream ans said that they were coming for me, Marcellus, Celeste, The New Orleans witches'' 

KLAUS - ''Celeste, that bitch is sup-'' 

ALI - ''Supposed to be dead?'' 

ELIJAH - ''Yes, how did you know?'' 

ALI - ''I've lived in New Orleans before, all the witches were being kidnapped and killed, it was too dangerous so we fled, I know everything that goes on there'' 

JULIE - ''We should get home, so you can rest up for the spell tomorrow'' 

ALI - ''I'm still not talking to you'' 

JULIE - ''Come on Jackson'' She says as we all head home. I quickly say 

ALI - ''Bye guys'' 

ELIJAH -  ''Goodnight Ali''

KLAUS - ''Goodnight love'' They say and we leave. On the way home, all I was thinking about was Klaus. We almost kissed, TWICE!!!. I feel butterflies occur in my stomach but ignore it. Just as we stop, I jump straight out and wait for the door to be unlocked imapatiently.

DAVID - ''Ali, can't we talk about this''

ALI - ''No, I'm not talking about this with you today'' My mum unlocks the door and I storm upto my room slamming the door shut.  I flop down on my bed and just scroll through my twitter feed. After a few minutes, I get up, change into my pyjamas and lie down, falling asleep in a matter of minutes. 

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