Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit agitated at the sight, considering the two were inconsiderate with the space between them and the girl as she tried to look away from the two.

"Let's go~... I know you wanna sing~..." one of them guides her chin to face him, Nagatoro still had that dull look that obviously speaks that she wasn't interested.

The boys couldn't get the memo though, Y/n knew that he had to do something before the two does something rash to the girl. His hand curled up into a fist as he takes a deep breath.

"H-Hey!" He shouts, the boy already regrets it deeply as the two turns and finds the boy who was slowly turning pink but wasn't backing down. "Leave her alone!"

Nagatoro finds Y/n as well but she had a wide smile, thankful that the boy managed to get out of the shop just in time. "Great... It's you..." one of the boys groaned as they obviously had an annoyed look on their faces. "What do you-"

"Finally!~ What took you so long?~"

"Eh?" The two boys said in unison as she grabs ahold of the musician's arm and tightened her grip, still with a gleeful smile on her face. "Come on!~ You gotta bring me home before it becomes late!~"

"R-Right... Shall we get going now?"

"Mhm!~" Nagatoro nods as Y/n leads her away from the boys, hoping that they wouldn't retaliate or call them out.

Surprisingly in Y/n's mind, they didn't try. He lets out a breath of relief as he looks down at his arm to find the girl still clinging onto his arm, smiling happily.

"Hey..." Nagatoro looks up, the smile disappears.

"Sorry I took too long..."

For some reason the girl blushes softly, she turns away from the boy for a minute and then back at his charming e/c eyes. "I-It's fine, senpai... You had to grab some things in there, right?" Y/n nods and the walk was silent.

Minutes passes by before she became curious what the boy bought at the zoo. "So what did senpai grab in the shop?~ Hopefully nothing lewd!~ Fu fu fu!~"

"No... It's not..." the boy shakes his head as he takes his drink from the bag and stuffs it in the pocket of his hoodie. He then grabs a beef stick from it and takes a small bite. "That's it?"

A look of disbelief on the tanned girl's face, he shakes his head. "No..." he answers and hands the bag over to the Nagatoro.


"The rest is your's..." a smile eventually grew on his face, giving off some suspicious vibes. She reaches into the bag and finds a few snacks and a drink.

But something else was hidden in it. A large bulge in it even if it felt light. She takes a good look inside the package and her eyes widens when she finds out what was in it.

"Oh my gosh!~"

She stuffs the snacks back in and pulls out the last gift Y/n bought for the day. A fluffy stuffed animal that resembled a red panda as she held it up high in the air with the same grin and sparkles in her eyes that Y/n adored from earlier.

"You look so adorable!~" she exclaims before hugging it tight, still fixated at the mass cuteness it gave off to the girl. "I'm gonna name you Kojiro the red panda!~"

The smile was still on her face, it made Y/n chuckle a bit but felt his arm being wrapped tightly by a body.

It was Nagatoro, a small embrace as she was making him fluster up a bit. "Thanks, senpai~..."

"A-Anytime..." the boy stutters quietly, they continue their journey towards the neighborhood they lived in together.

Soon enough, they made it to one of their homes that belonged to a family of five, "Looks like we're here..." Y/n says as Nagatoro held the bag in her elbow while hugging the red panda "Mhm!~"

She turns to the boy with a heart warming smile. "Thank you... senpai~..."

"It's not a problem... I'm glad I got to bring you to the zoo..."

Then the boy gave her a heart warming smile, for some reason it made her feel mushy in her stomach as her heart skips a beat and looked away, still trying to present the smile. "W-Well... I'll see you at school, senpai..."


"And... thank you... for the red panda..." she manages to keep the smile on as Y/n bows to her. "Anytime..." he waved away the girl as the two split off and let the day pass by slowly.


"Kojiro~... Kojiro~... Kojiro~..."

Nagatoro, refreshed and in her pajamas was seen on her bed in her bedroom, she has a small plushie in her hands with a happy smile on her face. "Kojiro~... Kojiro~... Kojiro~..." she repeats the plush's name while admiring the fluff of the fur and the cute look it made on it's face.

Today for Nagatoro was satisfying. She went to the zoo, saw some cute animals, petted some red pandas, and...


She remembers who she went on this trip with, an upperclassman who was the reason for going to the anima exhibits. The reason why she got to pet the red pandas in the exhibit, bought her the red panda plush...

He also was the reason that she got out of hanging out with a bunch of boys she didn't knew...

She then hugged the red panda close to her chest, the grin turns into a sincere one as she remembers all of the good times that her and senpai had today.

"Thank you~... senpai~..." she closes her eyes, still smiling as she was ready for-

"Looks like someone has a crush~..."

Someone lurked near the doorframe of Nagatoro's room, she shot up and find her older sister with a mischievous grin. The younger Toro blushes immediately and darts to the doorframe to seal the door shut.

"Onee-chan! Get out of my room!"

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