27 ~ Mixed signals

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TW- homophobia, kind of a panic attack

They awoke at about 6am, sleep only overtook them at around three so they were pretty tired. Tommy however, was the widest awake he'd ever been. And that was neither great nor bad, for he was rather obnoxious but had his humour had been returned back to him so hopefully he wouldn't complain that much.

They all got ready for school and had a bit of breakfast but not a lot as they all silently agreed that they weren't mega hungry.

By then it was about 07.50 (am) and they had to set off in about twenty minutes. They didn't really do that much, just dawdled about in the living room.

However, soon it was time to begin walking to school, or they'll be late. And they don't want that... except one of them but that was expected.

The walk was something, it was interesting. Not as interesting as the colourful town at George's, but nonetheless it was still entertaining. Maybe it was the presence of his friends, or maybe it was just relief of it being a change from thoughts of his father's death.

The journey was boring and dull, but had a nice atmosphere, with small droplets of conversation here and there, like small drips of rain on a warm summer day. Ah yes, it was raining ever so slightly, but that just hurried them along because they wouldn't like to be soaked slowly by the small amounts of piss from the sky.

The gates on the school entrance were propped open by the stick that was attached to the lock. There were large groups of people gathered around, many of which was staring at George. Their expressions were mostly unreadable, but they didn't look very impressed. More disgusted than happy; more like they wanted to clear away and evacuate than as though they wanted to stay near to him.

The way they looked at him now was quite peculiar according to how they usually looked at him. It had always been disgusted but now it was as though he had done something worse than anyone else ever had.

George just tried to push away all the funny looks from the people. It was hard, but he managed eventually.

After a short period of looking, they found Clay sat on a bench, surrounded by a bunch of moody people.

All of the people were talking loudly, calling him bad things and saying rude stuff about him, right in his face. All the other days the people there idolised Clay for doing literally anything; whether he breathed, laughed or even smiled. As though a switch had flipped inside of their small minds.

George walked over and grabbed Clay's arm, hoisting him up and dragging him along. Looking closer at Clay, he had puffy eyes and red streaks stained along his cheeks, like he'd been crying for a while.

Pain plummeted through George's chest as he realised just what the people had been shouting, just what they had been saying.

Together, they walked across the cafeteria to another bench, the people were still nearby but probably out of promiximity. But that wasn't George's main focus at that moment, he had to talk to clay.

[I'm back after having like a week break and I have no idea what's going on lol help]

"Hey hey hey, Clay look at me." He said softly, "What's happened?"

All that he received from his friend was quiet sobs as he unlocked his phone. The lock screen was the two of them but it disappeared as he opened his camera roll app. George already felt dread in the everlasting pit of his stomach. He pressed on a photo and held out his phone to show George. On it was a screenshot of a discord server talking shit about them.

What shocked him most was when he saw who the accounts were; well of course it was Chloe and her little goons. The screen shot was from Annabel, one of the girls who used to be friends with the biggest brat of them all, but apparently she quit the squad after finding out Chloe's true colours.

"Are you okay Clay?" George asked nervously, "It isn't true, you can just tell them it's not true that you like me, right?"

"No, because that would lying."


Okay I'm back sorry about that, thank you for all of the support on this book so far

749 words

26th October

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