21 ~ Dont worry about it

692 30 24

DUDUDUDU I really need to get a schedule

TW- mentions of self harm, mentions of suicidal thoughts, mentions of alcohol and being drunk, maybe mentions of abuse,

Unrelated but lorries terrify me, they're just scary.

Once George finally re-entered the bathroom that the other three were now inside, Tommy started mithering Clay to play minecraft with him so they both went to his pc, which left Wilbur on his own with George.

"George," Wilbur stood up before facing George and putting both of his hands on his shoulders, "Why?"

He sounded like he was going to cry, and the thought of that made tears threaten to form in George's eyes.

"I'm sorry Wilbur," George's voice wobbled as he thought about how much he had Wilbur by not telling him, "Please dont be mad,"

"I'm not mad, but please come to me before you ever hurt yourself again. I cant bear the thought of loosing my best friend." Wilbur's voice also wobbled as his eyes became watery.

George just nodded, when he was sad his voice always seemed to break and disappear, like someone's heart when they faced a breakup. [It's a metaphor/simile idk which one its the summer break not school] They both tidied up the bathroom and walked into Tommy's room to find the other two on minecraft.

George quickly glanced at the clock on the left wall before saying that he had to get home within the next fifteen minutes or he was dead. Wilbur said that he would take him home and grabbed a two person bike, he told George to sit on the back and point directions to get to his.

They got there within five minutes and Wilbur drove off back to meet Tommy and Clay at his house, who were still playing. He took note of how run-down George's house looked before shaking off the thought.

Once George had shut the door, grabbed a sausage roll from the fridge and wandered upstairs to his room before he heard his father's car trundle down the lonely street towards the house. He watched out of his window as he parked messily on the drive. George could tell that his dad was drunk because the car was all over the place and he staggered about as he climbed out of the car.

It was normal for him to come back home in a state, but not this much in a state. The best thing to do for George was to hide in his room and leave the door locked until the morning.

George sat on his bed while he nibbled slowly at the sausage roll in his hand, his mind engrossed in thoughts. The only reason that John and James had found out him cutting was by them ripping George's sleeves on his t-shirt off a couple of months prior to Clay joining and leaving the group. Clay knew about George's cuts. Clay must know everything that the rest of the group knows.

George walked across the room slowly to get to his pc, he switched it on and sat down on his chair.

He began quietly editing when he heard the angry yell of his name coming from downstairs, he sighed before opening his bedroom door to go and face his father. Cant hide forever. He thought to himself while emotionlessly walking down the stairs.

He was met by a the angry old man who deemed himself George's dad. He said nothing and just growled while staggering towards his son. BEfore he got there however, his father stopped still and collapsed into a pile on the floor.

Despite it being usual to see his father drunk, this never happened. George checked the man's pulse to find that it was very faint and inconsistent. He hesitated as he quickly grabbed his phone and dialled the ambulance, getting told that they were on their way.



Idk the date. 22nd August 2021 idk.

Short chapter just to get stuff going and all that.

665 words ;smile;

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