26 ~ ohana means family and family is gone

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OKAY SO my jsal [jacksucksatlife] youtooz plush just arrived and I've kind of got like 10,000,000 little bits of motivation in me to write so yes

TW- mentions of blood, blood

"So tell me Sapnap , what on earth did you do as your 'detour'?" Clay asked to sapnap while they were all in the car, emphasising the word 'detour'. Wilbur stifled a laugh the best he could because he was driving but it didnt work very well as he soon burst into a laughing fit and had to pull over.

George was confused.

"Wait what did you do now snapmap?" George asked in a fake annoyed voice while smiling, knowing what his friend's reaction would be.

"I didn't do anything that ba- hey if you call me snapchat one more time we're going to have issues. You got me? Anyways we didn't do anything too severe we just payed mr James-the-bitch a visit and got a small bit of revenge." Sapnap replied proudly.

"You fucking what? You should have seen it George, there was blood everywhere. Sapnap just dragged me into the hospital room and made me watch him beat up his cous- James before running off again and dragging me back with him to get the car." Wilbur explained between eruptions of laughter.

Clay realised what had just been said and began to wheeze like a kettle, "WHATT" he yelled.

He has a cute laugh, George thought to himself.

The journey back was filled with conversation until they got to the peoples houses. They dropped Sapnap off first, then Clay and finally it was just Wilbur and George left in the car. When dropping off Clay George hopped into the front seat next to Wilbur and waited for him to get back in, then he realised something.

"Wait Wil isn't this Sapnap's car?"

"Well yes but he's letting me borrow it for tonight because he said he trusts me at driving more then he does himself so he said to just give it back at school tomorrow."

"Oh shit yeah school."

"Do you want to stay at mine tonight? Tommy won't really bother us because he usually calls Ranboo and Tubbo at around this time until he goes to sleep so we can just chat. Our parents will be at work i think but they may be home just say your staying over if they're there."

George nodded and Wilbur turned into George's street so he could grab some of his things from his room. As they parked up all the memories of the events from earlier on in the day came back to him, despite how he tried to push them away, they always came back. He shuddered at the sight of stained blood on the once-grey laminate flooring.

His bag consisted of his school uniform for the next day, some pyjamas, basic toiletries such as a toothbrush and his laptop.

He rushed through packing as he didn't want to stay there any longer than he had to so he quickly walked back out of the front door, locking it behind him. He let out a deep breath that he honestly didn't know he had previously been holding in.

He walked over to Wilbur and the car as if nothing had happened and he climbed in, his heart rate gradually going back to normal throughout the journey.

Wilbur's house was nothing like George's. It had beautiful brown bricks and an accented dark brown tile roof which stood proudly. There were no cars on the driveway - other then the one Wilbur had parked- and only one room had its light visibly on from the window. It was presumably Tommy's as there was Minecraft blinds that had TNT exploding Steve.

As they walked through the posh hallway for the second time that day George noticed all the perfectly hung up pictures and paintings. One caught George's eye, it was a majestic painting of stitch and the word Ohana in a large font. Underneath the big word there was the caption 'ohana means family'. Haven't got any of that at the moment, George joked to himself.

He was led back up the stairs and entered Wilbur's room, to find Tommy sat down in Wil's chair playing minecraft. "Get out Gremlin you have your own computer in your own room fuck off." Wilbur said with a sigh as if he did this every time he was out.

[spoiler alert, he did.]

Tommy just groaned before exiting the tab and walking into his own room, muttering a hello to George on his way past. Wilbur waited until Tommy had left before talking to George again. They talked about random topics for a while until Tommy bursted into the room complaining, "Can you guys like shut the fuck up its one in the morning and I'm fucking tired from all my fucking classes because all the fucking teachers are fucking bitches."

How can Tommy even fit so many curse words in his sentences, Gogy wondered.

(An from like a week later, hi i am in pain)

"Yes sorry To-" George began but he was soon cut off by Wilbur,

"I am not sorry child, deal with it" Wilbur said while standing up and walking tommy back to his room, he clearly was sorry to Tommy, "Ill be back in a moment George."

He got a response of a nod.

George could hear muffled 'love yous' from the walls and smiled to himself in awe, they really were great brothers to each other when they tried.

After Wilbur re-entered the room the night felt as if it flew by, and soon enough it was time for school...


I also want to start making longer chapters again to make up for this idk ill try to

So anyways how are you?

991 words pog
5th October 2021

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