18 ~ The plan in action

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Ahoy there

The best part of a plan is executing it. Unleashing the chaos upon all those involved.

Dream's POV:

Tommy told him everything, about what Wilbur thought about the boy who they all sat with at lunch. Sure, the stranger felt oddly familiar to Clay. But he didn't recognise the voice straight away, it was only when he really thought about about it that the pieces of the puzzle fitted together perfectly; merging into different riddles that had just been solved.

George had finally been found. Well atleast Wilbur thought.

After Wilbur ran out of class and then came running back in around 10 minutes, Clay got a dm from Tommy saying that they weren't sure about George from lunch actually being Georgenotfound. That it was just an assumption.

But Clay was sure.

Reflecting back, their voices were too similar to be different, their names were the same, and the guy from lunch looked exactly how the streamer described his appearance.

They were the same, Clay thought to himself

He was sure.

But he didn't want to say anything to anyone just in case he was wrong.

But he knew he wasn't

While walking home, Clay reflected upon his day, the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows. How Wil had winked at him when he sat down opposite George, how for some reason Clay had blushed slightly when he went with them to sit on the table in the corner with the "random" guy.

He'll admit it, he had a connection with the boy, but it was different.

My brain is literally going BRRR rn while I write this

The walk home was a slow and tedious yet exciting journey home. He had no fun route home, just a long boring road lined with duplicated, boring houses built by bricks layed by those who built things [???].

In other words, it was boring. Only his thoughts occupied him during the walk home.

He wasnt greeted when he got home, both his parents were at work and his sister was upstairs in her room, probably drawing like always.

As per usual, he hopped onto his pc and logged onto minecraft and discord, waiting in an empty call for others to join.

Nobody joined for a while, so he decided to check for if he had any homework. Honestly, he forgot that he was still online on both discord AND minecraft.

You see where this is going.

Luckily for him, he only had 1 short piece of math homework, so it wasn't that bad.

"STTUSTHQYISUPFYJFGKDGKX" Wilbur screamed into his mic and burst Dream's ears.

"WILBUR!" Dream yelled into the mic "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Sorry Dre" Wilbur laughed into the mic, his laugh contagious making Dream wheeze with laughter.

"Wilbur why did you want me to joi- oh hey" George came into the channel confused.

[Unrelated but I actually love you guys so much! Ty for reading this book so far your all amazing :D]

"Hello," Dream said quietly, still in shock from Wilbur scaring him..

Wilbur messaged sapnap to join the vc because Wilbur wanted to stream on the dream smp.

"Oh yeah Gogs I want to stream and your gonna be in it," Wilbur said loudly into his slightly distorted mic.

"Alright then,"

"Be back in a moment! Gonna go set up stream with Sapnap," Wilbur chimed in, "Sapnap vc4"

Wilbur and Sapnap both entered the seperate call and talked about Wil's plan and how to do it as he set up his minecraft lore stream.

Soon enough, tens of thousands of people came piling into chat as the beginning animation began.


Once the other two had left the vc, Dream and George sat in an awkward silence for a while before talking.

"So George, uh, what you up to?" Dream asked him quietly.

"Im just on the dream smp building a mini castle,"

"Can i help you?"


They both collected resources and built for a short while. They chatted a bit and sat in silence for part of it, when they each felt as though they'd ran out of things to say.

"So George are you dating anyone? Got any ladies?" Dream asked, making George feel a little uncomfortable at the person question.

"No, i dont think people really like me. What about you?"

"Oh, well i just recently broke up with my girlfriend so I'm not dating anyone currently," Whilst clay spoke, his face began to turn a beetroot shade of red and his stomach churned with butterflies.


"Hi chat!!" Wilbur said excitedly into his microphone, almost immediately deafening the citizens in his chat.

Humming your new boyfriend, he switched the screen onto minecraft and joined the smp to find George and Dream online already.

He streamed for a while, he and sapnap hung out live and once again scared Dream and George in vc1.


Dream felt like he and george knew each other better now, he was relieved that George wasn't actually dating anyone. Perhaps he had a chance to date george.

Wait no, what am i thinking. I'm not gay. Besides, my parents would go mad and maybe disown me, Clay thought to himself as he plopped down onto his bed.

Maybe i am gay, but that HAS to be just a secret. At least until i move out.

Little did he know, George was thinking almost identical thoughts to Clay that night.

After a long thinking session, they each drifted off to sleep in sync, ready for the next day, Friday.




Next chapter^

934 words!!!

2nd August 2021

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