8 ~ Fancy resteraunts and him

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TW- Swearing

Hey imma start off this chapter with saying it wont be the best. This upload was probably a little while from the last one sorry.

Sapnap canonically is friends with gogy in this fanfic and George now speaks (whispers) to Sapnap. Also Sapnap knows about George's channel

After the long journey had come to an end, the group climbed out of the car and wandered into the fancy restraunt, which had a posh welcome sign on the entrance of the brick building.

The sign read "34 Mayfair" [I googled posh restraunts and made up the description] and was illuminated by a bright yellow and blue light coming out from behind the bold, italic black writing. They slowly walked inside the Hollywood-like building and waited to be shown to their seats.

Once the waitress finally came over and welcomed them to 34 Mayfair, they were guided towards table number 26, where they each took a seat and opened their menus.


"So how long have you too been together?" Clays mother [Sarah] said aloud, shattering the silence into a million pieces.

"About two weeks" Chloe replied, concentrated on the menu before her. There were so many interesting foods!

"Oh nice!" Darren and Sarah both spoke in unison, before Sarah followed on the sentence with, "Drista you cant watch Georgewasntfound or whatever his name is while we're in a restaurant! We didn't raise donkeys did we so be respectful."

Clay heard his sister complain and Chloe giggle at his family's antics, but out of the corner of his eye he saw two brunette-haired boys both enter 34 Mayfair. He felt an uncanny sense that he knew the boy with brown hair, but he soon shook his suspicions away as the waitress arrived at table 26.

"Hello I'm Philza may I take your order please," The waiter asked, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. Clay looked round in embarrassment and saw the two boys now sat at a table, both of them looking a bit shocked and red before laughing to themselves at the stares they were receiving from the other people in the restaurant.

"Ill have the margarita pizza and a sunny smoothie please" Drista ordered first,
"Ill have the tomato penne pasta and a glass of lemonade please" Came from Sarah
"Ill have the tomato penne pasta and pink lemonade please" Said Chloe
"Ill have the meat feast pizza and a blackcurrant-soda water please" Asked Darren
"Uhh please can i have a margarita pizza and mango squash?" Asked Clay, half distracted at the two mysterious yet familiar boys sat at the table across the room.

"Coming right up!" Philza said, enthusiastically before smiling and walking away with a slight skip in his step.

The people around them all laughed quietly at the waiter's humorous actions and drifted off slowly into conversations with their families.

Clay was zoned out, distracted by the everlasting question in his head of where he had seen those people before. Soccer? He recognised the one of them from his soccer team, but not the other brunette haired guy. Walking home from school? No. His sisters drawings? Aspects of the brown-haired boy reminded him of those pictures, but he wasn't sure entirely.

Then, it dawned on him. School. He had seen them both in school! He didn't know where in school he met them, but that didn't matter to him right now. He had to say hello!

Swifty grabbing a scrap of paper from his sisters notepad, he picked up a pen and happily wrote the words "Hello! I know you from school!" Before folding the page into a paper airplane and softly throwing it towards the two boys.

The one from the soccer team stood up carefully and caught it in midair, to stop it from flying directly into the other boy's face.

They each read it for a few seconds before awkwardly waving at the boy who claimed to know him

"Do you know him?" George almost silently asked sapnap before receiving a reply which was a "he seems familiar but I don't know, I think he's from the school soccer team"

George knew who it was. He knew exactly who Clay was. The one that had bullied him earlier in the day, the one who had assisted the people in inflicting pain upon George.

With that, George nodded and grabbed a crayon from the pot the Restraunt staff had given Sapnap before writing

Hello. Please don't talk to us thanks.

Before throwing the plane graciously back towards Clay.

He earned a look of suspicion from Clay while he tried to figure out why the boy seemed to not like him very much.


The kid he bullied...

That was him. It couldn't be.

Oh but it was.

Guilty for the pain he conflicted onto the boy, he grabbed a whole a4 page out of Drista's notebook, being rewarded with a quiet "Hey!" From his sister, who soon went back to her conversation with Chloe and the adults. Honestly, he couldn't care less about his sister, parents, or girlfriend right now.

He had to make it right.

Grabbing a pencil, he began to write a letter, apologising for everything he's done to the boy.
It took a while but eventually he had filled out the entire page with inky words. He just had to proof-read it and check that it was good.

Hey <3 your doing great! I'm proud of you!!!! <333333333

931 words!

12th May 2021

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